Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year Everyone!

Celebrated Kar Tsyeng's b'day last night! Happy B'daY Kar Tsyeng!

OMG. It's already end of the year. And my last day as 19 year old T.T I don wanna be an old fart! Anyway, have fun for those who can celebrate new year's eve *sour grapes* =.= Gonna spend whole day in room. Hopefully the security guards brought fireworks again.

Came across a few interesting clips.

Ayumi's Jewel PV - damn nice this song.

Another 1 is my hubby's show- Domoto Kyoudai

In this clip, Kyoko Fukada 深田恭子 was asked about how she felt about the 2 guest(the ones sitting in front)& she said they look cute & sincere. Then when she was asked about how she think of Kinki Kids, she said 'they look dead.' LOL

Oh ya. Yesterday I did some card reading for myself. Guess what? It's said that I should drop all idea of illusion or dream which atracts me now. If I don drop it, it will drop me or fail me painfully. This warning applies to a 'love dream'. T.T I WILL STILL FREAKIN LOVE MY HUBBY wtf. But my cards oso show the possibility of a new guy appearing in my life wahahahahahahah.

Happy new year everyone..

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bangalore Trip

I just got the pics & I got the shock of my life! They caught me & my spare tires on camera!!!!!! F--- it!!!!!!!! Of course I am not gonna post it here. Just wanna say it scared the hell out of me T.T

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Before we go to take the bus

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Reached the Hotel at 5.30 am. The one holding a red jacket is me.

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Arrived Brigade road.

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This place reminds me of Coffee Bean

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I'm next to Xian Hui!!

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Maharaja Chicken Burger!

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Our Taxi!

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Going for Xmas Eve Dinner~

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Celebrate Weiming's B'day at nite & ITS XMAS!!

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Bangalore Palace

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High Court

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Some lake

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Xian Hui's Ham zhu sao

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GingerBreadman's House

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Inside of 7 star hotel

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Found a XMas tree!!!

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Dinner at Korean Restaurant!

That's basically it. For longer story I will blog next time. Really have to start studying now haha.

Hi, Garbage Truck is back

I went to Bangalore with 1 bag, & came back with 3. I still haven got the pics yet though, so I'm just gonna be brief here. Bangalore reminds me of Malaysia, Salem makes me think I'm in hell. That's my synopsis of the trip haha.

Because of Kiasu-ism & cheapskate-ness, we followed a package offered by the auto(taxi) drivers where they'll take us to 4 to 6 souvenir shops & bring us to places we wanna go for free. In the end we wasted 2 whole days for the stupid package & I end up splurging on something eventhough I went into those souvenir shops saying I won't buy anyhthing. So I'm back with a lot of unknown rubbish. For example, a wooden box & 4 god damned cushion covers. Have no idea what I'm gonna do with these stuff though. *sigh*

Beside some rubbish I grabbed from the souvenir shops, I've also brought back some good stuff. Hohohohohoho. I've got a pair of new Adidas pink sport shoes & bag, a new cap, 3 pairs of sandals, some new clothes, & A BOX OF KFC WITH 2 MCD FILLET O FISH BURGER!!!!!

Hasil yg sangat memuaskan. Hahahahaha. Surprisingly the street went for shopping reminds me of London. 2 rows of 3 storeys shops occasional with a small shopping mall in between. The weather is damn nice over there! Despite the fact we were nearly froze to death when we reached Bangalore at 5.30 am where the cold wind is blowing us like crazy when we are sitting inside the auto.

Bangalore had a lot of foreign tourists & I met a damn leng zai wan!!! Too bad he's taken T.T

Some minus points we've encountered in Bangalore:
1. Hotel cleaners stole our food. On the first day, Yeeva's chocolates she put on the table was stolen. Then on the day we checked out Weiming's chocolates kena. His bags was at the ground floor that time & he thought he'd put the chocolates in the room first & take them rite before we leave. When he went up the room, his muffin plastic was opened & the cleaners were inside the room watching TV. His chocolates was gone too. Then he asked them where's his chocolates, they all said there's no chocolates. After he demanded them to give it out, they slowly took out the chocolates 1 by 1. Wtf. They've stole my new packet of biscuit that I put inside my plastic bag! And I only realised it when I got back. Damn it. If I found out earlier I won't let them get away that easily! WE BLOODY PAID RM 50 EXTRA EACH PERSON COZ WE CHECKED OUT LATE!!!!!

2. I really had no talent in bargaining. The most bargain I got was Rm 2 wtf. Xian Hui actually bargained from RM 60 to Rm 15! *sigh*

3. Beggars are everywhere. But they won't come to me hahaha.

Okla. That's all for now. Coz I'm seriously screwed & I havent studied anything.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Flash back of 2006

Recap of imporatant events happened in my life in 2006:

1. Received an Sms saying 1 of my dear ex classmate passed away in a car accident.
2. Chinese New Year celebration. Kena nagged bout being fat as usual. Went to Perak, Pahang & Seremban.
3. Went back to KK after sick of being a maid in my sis' place.
4. Quarelled with my mum & start changing my lifestyle 180 degrees by sleeping at 9 am waking up at 5 pm, going out at 7pm until midnight, & online until 9 am morning again.
5. Kena threatened by my dad saying if I continue to live my life like this he'll send me back to KL so he don have to be 'xing tong' seeing me like this T.T
6. Slightly changed my lifestyle by sleeping at 5 am before my dad wakes up.
7. Feeling sick & tired at myself for doing nothing 24/7.
8. Got reply from Manipal saying I passed the requirements but the conformation letter is only out in April.
9. Bing Chi & Shirley went to study in Manipal.
10. Mum can't wait to get rid of me from the house & apply Penang International Dental College that is starting their course in April without me aggreeing.
11. Can't stand my mum either therefore I din reject coming to India after 1 more week.
12. Feel damn bad coz I made my grandaunt to come back & only get to see her for 1 week only then I have to go India ledi.
13. CHanged my hairstyle right before I go to KL. Had farewell with friends.
14. Went to KL with parents a few days before leaving to India. Met some of my batchmates in an briefing tea party in Hilton, PJ.
15. Left to India all alone.
16. Received VIP treatment for 1st 1 week only. Then they start making us pay for a lot of stupid things. Stayed in hotel for 1st 1 month coz hostel still under construction.
17. No Internet for 1st month. When moved into hostel, only 2 person can use the computer a day.
18. Getting screwed by an asshole coz roommate post an 'offending' note on our room door.
19. Feeling sick & tired of Salem coz we started to know a lot of things like how they freaking cheating us.
20. Broke down in front of Kelvin coz I really hate this place.
21. Send an Sms to my mum saying I wanna kill the management. Freaked my mum out LOL.
22. Lost appetite to eat food.
23. Spend my b'day in hospital accompanying Kelvin. Wasted my b'day wish on wishing for an easy solution to test in my practicals exam.
24. Came back to Malaysia for 2 weeks.
25. Sing cukup cukup karaokay, eat cukup cukup sashimi, buy cukup cukup clothes, see cukup cukup friends.
26. Went back to hell.
27.Got hangover & can't concentrate on studies coz i kept thinking of malaysia.
28. Finally got wi-fi here. Online 24/7.
29. Moved to a single room.
30. Quarreled with ex roommate.
31. Screwing all exams. Just screwed a few recently.
32. Couples is popping like mushrooms around here. Met a cute jr. Lost interest ledi anyway.
33. Felt like a lone-loser & starts withdrawing myself even more from people.
34. Made frens with some jrs & slightly changed my condition.
35. Performed para para sakura on stage for Uni's culture day coz this is the fastest dance to learn in 5 hours.

36. Spending 1st black xmas. Got shocked that india actually got winter. Blasting own Xmas songs in room. Lucky thing I brought my polar express soundtrack over.
37. Wishing my frens a merry Xmas with this :|10001|10051|703398|-102001;11441;-102271;-102050||P1R9SO|ecards

Love You guys!! Thanks for Being with me in 2006!! Merry XMas & a Superb New Year! My friends~ A toast to welcome our 20th year on earth!

I'm Dreaming of a BLACK Christmas

I'm dreaming of a black christmas,
Without the snow I never seen.
With the autos honking & people begging,
To feel speechless & turned off.

Haih. I am not giving much hope on the trip to Bangalore. I'm sure that place is a lot more modernised than here, & I heard there's a lot colder too! And damnit, I so smartly took back all my long sleeves & jackets back to Malaysia in August coz I so smartly thought India got no winter. At least not my place lar. Thanks to my so smartness, I dunno whether I can tahan the weather in Bangalore or not. Haih.

I'm used to listening to Xmas songs wherever I went whenever Xmas is near but this time, there's no shopping complexes with gorgeous decorations or gorgeous sales for me to fulfill my dream of a white xmas. Black Xmas got lar, you wan o not? *sigh* I'll be doing my CNY shopping in Bangalore if I'm lucky, coz i scared by the time I get back next year all the shopping complexes ran out of stock or watever.

(2003,2004) I wanna go theme park on Xmas!!! Themeparks got XMas PARADE!!! I wanna see that!!!! I wanna ride on roller coasters in winter & feel 'syiok' when my face freeze sampai wanna crack. I wanna see red red & white white stuff all over the place!!! I wanna gather all my lovers & do something stupid during count down. (2005) I wanna stay at home watch TV & see their countdown!

People! Celebrate your Xmas on my behalf k?? Don end up like me, have to blast XMas songs in my own room to feel it. Until when I go out of my room people starts staring at me like I'm crazy. I LOVE XMAS SONGS wtf.

Tata~ Merry XMas & Happy New Year! Will blog tomorrow if got time. Then tomorrow midnight taking bus to Bangalore until 27th only coming back. Miss me k?

p.s. Sorry for not posting piccies. My camera just died.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Salem is Getting Modernised

Haih.. After my great disappointment on my performance on the test, I decided to console myself by eating meat today. Pathetic ler. Only big occasions can eat meat. So I dragged Hannee along to go to try the apposite shop's chicken briyani rice. Hohohohoh. First time in India I ate a chicken as big as my fist. Usually I only got bones and skins and fats *urghh* Plus the service is a lot better than the hospital canteen workers who are stingy and rude. But the sad thing is the shop is situated on the opposite, which means I have to cross the crazy road to get to that place.

Around 3pm I went to town with my batchmates to stock my food for 1 month. Going to town is a stressful thing for me, firstly you have to dangerously climb up a moving bus, then you have to stand steadily in a bus drove by some crazy drivers, have to hold my breath for 3o minutes till i reach the town, then have to be pushed out from the bus by the busy crowds. After collecting our bus tickets to Bangalore on saturday night, we went to a slightly 'chi yong' punya shopping complex to check out some new shops. There's 1 shop having 50 % discount on all items & I got myself a pair of shoes & a pair of ear rings from Korea at extremely cheap price!! Imagine Rm 20. For both. And I bought 3 magazines to catch up with the outer world.

Salem this lil town is getting more & more modernized! When I got here in April, there’s only 1 shopping complex that has aircond shops. Now there’s a new food mart, 2 more new shopping complexes & a bowling alley! That's not all. At first here don't have fast food at all & now I heard there's 2 fast food restaurant in town!

After that we went to Green Park Restaurant (me first time), I ordered tom yam soup, sweet kimchy & fried potato-cauliflower. Others ordered lots & lots of meat, I ate a bit of each type & got damn satisfied!!! The chinese food not bad, got a bit standard lar.. hehe.. I have to finish my food first & go grocery shopping coz the rest just went before dinner. In the end, my hasil needed 3 ppl to carry for me muahahahaha.

In the end we finished dinner around 9.30pm, & we have to rush back before 10 pm or else the freaking guard will tell on us & we'll get screwed from the warden. So we took an 'auto' our 'so-called' taxi, which looks more like a motobiked trishaw, instead of taking a bus which will be faster. In the middle of the road, our auto was nearly knocked down by a crazy bus, and the 2 drivers end up yelling at each other for 5 minutes. In the end we still reached home safely ^.^

I didn't realised I was tired until I reached my room. Just right after I showered, I lied flat on my bed & passed out ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


After 2 weeks continously sleeping less than 4 hours a day, my strained soul now blogs to say that I have finally screwed all my exams. YAY! T.T

I seriously suspect that God hates me. Due to some last minute preparation, I can only depend my luck on spotting the questions. My previous experiences tell me that I HAD some luck in this. But this time, it seems like I had already strained my luck that now I had no more luck left in spotting questions =( Out of 2 long essay questions & 8 short essay questions, I only spotted 2 short essays which only constitutes 10 out of 70 marks. The other 60 marks questions is full of my shit =.= Other subjects no need to say lar *sigh*

Now I still have to drag my flaccid body to town to get my stock for 1 and half months so that I can concentrate on my youtube & no need to go out so frequently haha. And my eyes are drooping -.-

Saturday, December 16, 2006

New Year Resolution

To make my life easier, I'm gonna set only 5 resolutions for next year.

1. Swear only once a day. Once in each language.
2. Eat chocolates only on the week before my period, the week during my period & the week after my period.
3. Will not watch youtube everyday.
4. Will study if not watching youtube.
5. Will not follow any resolutions I made on youtube wtf.

Sigh. Somethings are just not meant to be. Damn mouliu punya post T.T. Don 'yim hei' me please.

Friday, December 15, 2006

5 more test to go~

India is getting colder & colder!!! Today I was shivering like shit in the anatomy lab during the practicals exam till I can't answer properly! My Spotters test (which is a test where they put out human heads & skull & other organs, pinned a structure, & ask us to identify it) totally sucks coz I dunno what I was seeing. But luckily the viva (oral exam) saved my ass. The trick to do oral exam -> just be confident with your answer & be calm even when you are wrong & continue to pretend you're right. Wtf.

We are supposed to finish all the practicals test by today & start pure theory test tomorow. But thanks to some Indian planning, our physiology department forgotten we had an exam on Tuesday & when we stay up the whole nite to study for the stupid thing & suddenly they tell us the test was canceled & it is postponed to next Tuesday together with the Anatomy Theory paper. CB betul.

I slept for 3 hours yesterday & tonight I can't even dream for a second coz I haven't touch a page of my 560 pages Dental Materials textbook for tomorow's theory test T.T All thanks to

By next wednesay I will be free for Xmas!!! Hoohooohohohohoh..

Monday, December 11, 2006

Chocolalty Kicap

I received my parcel yesterday!!!! My kicap accidentally leaked a bit on top of my wonderful chocolates, now my whole room smells like chocolalty kicap. Who cares? I love the smell anyway.. HOOHOOHAHAHAHA.. My mum sent a blanket on my request and yesterday whole day I was sniffing it. I MISS THE SMELL OF MY HOUSE!!!T.T Unpacking parcels are fun coz it's like playing treasure hunt where you might find something extra than wat you've asked. But the only thing extra I found inside my parcel is a Servay plastic bag =.="

I found another hong kong drama online, To Grow With Love肥田囍事 & now I'm watching it. Screw Exams. *Blergh*

1 practicals exam down, 3 more practicals exam & 4 more theory papers to go!!

p.s. please remind me to forge a permission letter from my parents for going outta town before xmas.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

I luv Cycle 7 winner

I've watched America's Next Top Model cycle 7 !! The finale was out in America yesterday & I've watched the last episode!!! Thank god for once the winner is someone I prefered through out the competition. HEhe.. I'm not revealing who's the winner. You guys will know it when it's aired in Malaysia. HUAhahahahaha. But still I loved Kahlen of Cycle 4 most & I was damn pissed when she didn't win T.T
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Anyway, just wanna say that India is FREAKING COLD nowadays. I never thought south India will have WINTER!! The sun is still shining brightly, but the wind was so cooling that you never thought this is happening in India. Now it's like Kundasang kinda weather here. And I seriously regret for not bringing long sleeves or 'thick' clothes here. Now have to wear 2 layers of clothes plus my lab coat walking around the place like dungu.

My finals is coming on next 2 weeks. SO for 2 WHOLE WEEKS I'm not gonna online. YEah, right. LEt's see how far i can tahan. And I' watching new taiwanese series pulak. 'Tokyo Juliet東方茱麗葉' starred by Lin-I chen and a new actor tat's quite good looking ^.^

Friday, December 8, 2006

I miss U too KAILI!!!

Of the world of lao cheebyes ( new phrase learned from my KAILI), our lives here became more & more jail-like as the time passes. Despite some fucked up security guards who buzzes the door bell during my afternoon nap or when i purposely wanna skip the morning class to get more sleep, now we have a new bloody WARDEN.

A new warden who boasts about his bloody education level. A new warden who fucking park his fucking car right in front of the pavement to show off. A fucking warden who fucking screw me up for coming back late after visiting my friend in the hospital at night. And now guys and gals are not allowed to talk or interact in person after 9 pm. NO matter wat. Fuck. And if you come back from canteen or library after 9 pm you'll screwed by the FUCKING WARDEN.

I really can't take this anymore!!!! I was so depressed that I had been shedding tears continuously for 4 to 5 days without realising. Until my head was dehydrated & I was dizzy for a few days. Lucky thing my crying had stopped so I am much better now. Not that I cry coz I'm sad, just pissed & frustrated that I'm stuck here. And I don feel like talking to anyone nowadays. Even when lecturers ask questions i will just shrug and walk away. Hehe.. I feel like an autistic child.