Friday, December 15, 2006

5 more test to go~

India is getting colder & colder!!! Today I was shivering like shit in the anatomy lab during the practicals exam till I can't answer properly! My Spotters test (which is a test where they put out human heads & skull & other organs, pinned a structure, & ask us to identify it) totally sucks coz I dunno what I was seeing. But luckily the viva (oral exam) saved my ass. The trick to do oral exam -> just be confident with your answer & be calm even when you are wrong & continue to pretend you're right. Wtf.

We are supposed to finish all the practicals test by today & start pure theory test tomorow. But thanks to some Indian planning, our physiology department forgotten we had an exam on Tuesday & when we stay up the whole nite to study for the stupid thing & suddenly they tell us the test was canceled & it is postponed to next Tuesday together with the Anatomy Theory paper. CB betul.

I slept for 3 hours yesterday & tonight I can't even dream for a second coz I haven't touch a page of my 560 pages Dental Materials textbook for tomorow's theory test T.T All thanks to

By next wednesay I will be free for Xmas!!! Hoohooohohohohoh..

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