Friday, December 8, 2006

I miss U too KAILI!!!

Of the world of lao cheebyes ( new phrase learned from my KAILI), our lives here became more & more jail-like as the time passes. Despite some fucked up security guards who buzzes the door bell during my afternoon nap or when i purposely wanna skip the morning class to get more sleep, now we have a new bloody WARDEN.

A new warden who boasts about his bloody education level. A new warden who fucking park his fucking car right in front of the pavement to show off. A fucking warden who fucking screw me up for coming back late after visiting my friend in the hospital at night. And now guys and gals are not allowed to talk or interact in person after 9 pm. NO matter wat. Fuck. And if you come back from canteen or library after 9 pm you'll screwed by the FUCKING WARDEN.

I really can't take this anymore!!!! I was so depressed that I had been shedding tears continuously for 4 to 5 days without realising. Until my head was dehydrated & I was dizzy for a few days. Lucky thing my crying had stopped so I am much better now. Not that I cry coz I'm sad, just pissed & frustrated that I'm stuck here. And I don feel like talking to anyone nowadays. Even when lecturers ask questions i will just shrug and walk away. Hehe.. I feel like an autistic child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wa..seems like u having a hard hard time at india u go overseas or come out to da society to work...u'll realize life isn't dat good at all...all u can do is bare with it..but baring it will make u lose ur true is life???? is life about forgeting or abandon da real emotion..feeling and thoughts dat u have inside?????????