Friday, December 22, 2006

Salem is Getting Modernised

Haih.. After my great disappointment on my performance on the test, I decided to console myself by eating meat today. Pathetic ler. Only big occasions can eat meat. So I dragged Hannee along to go to try the apposite shop's chicken briyani rice. Hohohohoh. First time in India I ate a chicken as big as my fist. Usually I only got bones and skins and fats *urghh* Plus the service is a lot better than the hospital canteen workers who are stingy and rude. But the sad thing is the shop is situated on the opposite, which means I have to cross the crazy road to get to that place.

Around 3pm I went to town with my batchmates to stock my food for 1 month. Going to town is a stressful thing for me, firstly you have to dangerously climb up a moving bus, then you have to stand steadily in a bus drove by some crazy drivers, have to hold my breath for 3o minutes till i reach the town, then have to be pushed out from the bus by the busy crowds. After collecting our bus tickets to Bangalore on saturday night, we went to a slightly 'chi yong' punya shopping complex to check out some new shops. There's 1 shop having 50 % discount on all items & I got myself a pair of shoes & a pair of ear rings from Korea at extremely cheap price!! Imagine Rm 20. For both. And I bought 3 magazines to catch up with the outer world.

Salem this lil town is getting more & more modernized! When I got here in April, there’s only 1 shopping complex that has aircond shops. Now there’s a new food mart, 2 more new shopping complexes & a bowling alley! That's not all. At first here don't have fast food at all & now I heard there's 2 fast food restaurant in town!

After that we went to Green Park Restaurant (me first time), I ordered tom yam soup, sweet kimchy & fried potato-cauliflower. Others ordered lots & lots of meat, I ate a bit of each type & got damn satisfied!!! The chinese food not bad, got a bit standard lar.. hehe.. I have to finish my food first & go grocery shopping coz the rest just went before dinner. In the end, my hasil needed 3 ppl to carry for me muahahahaha.

In the end we finished dinner around 9.30pm, & we have to rush back before 10 pm or else the freaking guard will tell on us & we'll get screwed from the warden. So we took an 'auto' our 'so-called' taxi, which looks more like a motobiked trishaw, instead of taking a bus which will be faster. In the middle of the road, our auto was nearly knocked down by a crazy bus, and the 2 drivers end up yelling at each other for 5 minutes. In the end we still reached home safely ^.^

I didn't realised I was tired until I reached my room. Just right after I showered, I lied flat on my bed & passed out ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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