Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year Everyone!

Celebrated Kar Tsyeng's b'day last night! Happy B'daY Kar Tsyeng!

OMG. It's already end of the year. And my last day as 19 year old T.T I don wanna be an old fart! Anyway, have fun for those who can celebrate new year's eve *sour grapes* =.= Gonna spend whole day in room. Hopefully the security guards brought fireworks again.

Came across a few interesting clips.

Ayumi's Jewel PV - damn nice this song.

Another 1 is my hubby's show- Domoto Kyoudai

In this clip, Kyoko Fukada 深田恭子 was asked about how she felt about the 2 guest(the ones sitting in front)& she said they look cute & sincere. Then when she was asked about how she think of Kinki Kids, she said 'they look dead.' LOL

Oh ya. Yesterday I did some card reading for myself. Guess what? It's said that I should drop all idea of illusion or dream which atracts me now. If I don drop it, it will drop me or fail me painfully. This warning applies to a 'love dream'. T.T I WILL STILL FREAKIN LOVE MY HUBBY wtf. But my cards oso show the possibility of a new guy appearing in my life wahahahahahahah.

Happy new year everyone..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didnt know suzu got bloggie