Saturday, May 5, 2007

Off with my head

Today i woke up, feeling very crappy, it started with diarrhea, then the urge to vomit & then a headache. But I still proceed to class anyway because my attendance is very bad. Thanks to the college who just have to build a tar road right in front of our class, the smoke & smell triggers my headache back again so I just went back to my room after 2 hours lecture & slept for 4 hours. And my damn head is still paining now.

I just started watching 'Goong'~ I prefered the other prince anyway, even though he does look sissy. But I'm scared of the main watak, because he reminds me of my Korean junior whom I screwed his external HDD. I felt guilty whenever I'm watching his scenes. But to tell the truth, I dunno whether its his HDD tat screwed my lap top or my laptop screwed his HDD. I got the Trojan virus which is extremely annoying coz it slows down my speed maximumly. Thanks to it, I have to reformat the lap top today. And i suspect its from his porns in his HDD. Yeah, his porns.

Anyway, does anyone knows any programmes that enable chinese character encoding besides the one in Windows?

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