Saturday, May 12, 2007

Joint pain wtf

2 days ago in pathology class, I had this sudden joint pain on my knee. The pain lasted for a few seconds then it went off. After a while, it came back again. For a few times.
I was wondering what I did the previous night that might have caused the pain. As usual I just sat in front of the laptop & watch videos until 6 am then had 2 hours sleep before I came to class.
It couldn't be 'fong sap', judging by the fact that I'm perfectly young & erm.. healthy? Plus it's bloody hot in India nowadays, the atmosphere is nothing close to 'moist'. So maybe it's just that I'm malnourished lately as I'm having stomach ache for a few days & I totally lost the appetite to eat. Rare.
So I really didn't bother until around 9 pm, it started raining. Pretty heavily, i must say.
Fart! IT IS FONG SAP!!!!! T.T

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