Saturday, February 10, 2007


I've been crying again T.T

Coz I pulled off my toe nail last month & the bandage was finally opened yesterday. My toe is fugly now!!!! Yuck. It looks like those stuff u seen in scary movies. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBut I'm happy that I finally can wash my feet! It's torturous to have a bandage on my toe coz I had a habit of washing my feet everytime I use the toilet. The new nail's crumpled because I went to pull it off too late & when the new toe was growing inside, it had not enough space to grow so it got crumpled=.="

Coz I was watching Lost Season 2. Can't stop crying coz the scene where an old couple met each other back after thinking they lost each other was so touching. The graphics are great~ The island's so beautiful!!! I'm quite impressed that they can actually survive there for so long. For me if I can't online or wash my feet properly I would have just given up. I like the Korean couple by the way. So korean drama inside haha.

Coz I watched Hsu Weilun's memorial concert held by her close friends. Now she's really gone T.T This song damn nice.

And coz I haven't study for the practical test next week!!! And I heard there's gonna be 2 oral tests, 1 for practicals & the other could ask anything from our whole year syllabus.Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wish me luck..

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