Friday, February 9, 2007

Top 5 Scary Stories that I Can’t Forget

No 5. From Yen

There was once she went to overnight with her brother at her parents rented house in Melaka. At night she and her brother slept downstairs not far from the stairs. Then quite late at night, she was awakened by some thumping sound upstairs. She recognized it as the sound of tennis ball hitting the wall repeatedly because her brother likes to kick the ball on the wall when he’s bored. But at that time she knew it couldn’t be him because he’s sleeping right next to her. She was trying to figure out who was playing at that time. Then suddenly she heard (she didn’t open her eyes through out this whole thing) the sound is moving closer & closer as if it was coming down from the stairs. The way she was sleeping that time she had her face facing the direction of the stairs. Then she felt the ball dropping from the stairs, moving closer and closer to her & suddenly stopped very near to her face wtf. So she turned to face the other side & force herself to sleep.

According to Yen, her aunt once saw a lil boy running up the stairs & she thought it was Yen’s bro but 2 minutes later her brother came out from a room downstairs claiming that he’d been there all the time.

Y I think this is scary: In my imagination, if she did open her eyes, the Ju-on kid was 1 inch away from her face asking her to play with him.

No.4 From Rachel

There were 2 stories, both happened when she was traveling with her family.

First one, I think this happens in China, she was staying with her sister in the same room right in front of the lift. Then at night they keep hearing the doorbell ringing but they thought it was the lift’s bell. Then when they couldn’t take it anymore her sister opened the door & saw the doorbell moving in & out by itself.

Second story, setting is in Korea, again she & her sis was sharing the same room, & her sis said something ‘improper’ like ‘those stuff doesn’t exists lar.’ At night, she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night & saw her sis was curled up by telephone wire. She was half asleep so she uncurled her sister, throw the phone on the floor & slept back. She thought it was a dream but the next morning she saw the phone lying on the exact spot she threw it.

Y I think it’s scary: The phone was located across the room not next to the bed.

No. 3 From Celebrity

A male celebrity went to stay overnight in a hotel. At the middle of the night, he was woken up by some whispering, he woke up and saw a figure whispering, 心连心,背对背( heart to heart, back to back)’ repeatedly near his ears. Then he got scared, so he got up & told the management to check his room. As they were checking the room they found a body hidden under the bed he was sleeping.

Y I think it’s scary: Because the body was found face down & he’s sleeping face up which give to the words heart to heart, back to back. It wasn’t scary until I was up studying 1 night, & this words keep repeating in my mind & I started to freak out.

No.2 From Sarah

Her house was… how to say…. Erm… wrong. The sliding door will rattle eventhough outside the wind is still. & they had lotsa encounter with that thing such as someone breathing near their ears if they’re alone studying at night. Once her father saw her passing by the living room going upstairs, then the next moment the real Sarah come out from somewhere else.

One night, she was sleeping in her room, she heard someone coming in the room & went in her toilet. As her family members often came to her room to use the toilet in her room so she didn’t give much thought to it. After quite long, she’s getting suspicious coz the person who went in haven’t came out so she asked, ‘Who was it?’ Noone answered. She knock on the door, the lights are on but still noone answered. She went out to her parents room & saw both her parents sleeping. She went to her brother’s room & saw her brother sleeping. There was no one else in her family that could have been in the bathroom. She went back her room (=.=”) & switched on all the lights. Then she knock on the door again, no answer. THEN SHE PEEKED FROM THE GAP DOWN THE DOOR WTF. She didn’t see anything though. So she pushed the door open and that instant both her toilet & room lights flickered & the cats outside cried suddenly. After a while everything went back normal again.


No.1 From Celebrity

Another hotel story. A couple went to stay overnight in a hotel & in the middle of the night the girl woke up & realized that she can’t move. When she tried to shout, no sound came out from her mouth. Then she saw someone standing next to her. She got scared & she starts praying. And guess what happened?

The thing said, ‘It’s useless even if you prayed.’

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And don’t ask me y it’s scary…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.