Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dedicated to kids like Ann

I felt like I'm in this abusive relationship with my college I'm strained emotionally & physically. This place changed me so much I'm jeopardising every human relation I ever had because I'm just so angry all the time. Now, I really missed Taylors College a lot.

I missed my hostel, my housemates, my classmates, MAC center & the flirtaceous owner, IDP whom I bugged alot in order to apply for universities in Australia, Mr Munin & his gay right defence (no, he's not gay), the computer lab, the library, Asia Cafe & the 5 kgs I gained through out the year HAHAHAHA.

So people, you younger ones, if you're looking for a Pre university course, you should consider Taylors because they have almost everything you need.

If you're not really adventurous, not a consistent student & you almost always study last minute, you should study A-levels. This is a 1 & a half year course & internal marks take a small percentage of your overalls. Most people prefer this because in school we are used to this system, which is to focus only on your final big examination.
Pros: This is a widely accepted pre university course with the reputation of the most difficult pre-u papers compared to others. You guys get the big freaking lecture halls in taylors i hate you.
Cons: You take 1/2 a year more than others to finish your pre-u.

If you're open to new options, a consistent student & not much of a risk taker, you should try South Australian Matriculation. This is a 1 year course, & focuses 50% in your internals & your big finals stands only 50% of your overall marks. This is applied especially to those who're interested to further their studies in Aussie & also to those who wants their course to be short & sweet.
Pros: Our textbooks are much thinner than A-levels books LOL. This is a 1 year course. Whichever way you screwed up (internally or externally) you still get a chance either way. Your internals could help you.
Cons: Most of the classes in Taylors situated in 4th floor so you have to go to class 5 mins earlier to run up the stairs haha. Most of the classrooms smells as if you're in a shoe rack. Accepted mainly by Australian Universities.

If you love projects, & you don't like to risk everything in the last shot, you should try Canadian Pre-U. This focuses 30% of finals & 70% of internals. Means your projects & stuff consists 70% of your finals marks.
Pros: less stress in finals
Cons: not as widely accepted (you have to confirm with the college)

This is just a brief introduction. For more information please visit


cal said...

oh my crapness! still as blur as ever la jie!

Suzu Hamasaki said...

haha.. u've decided ur course di? enrolled urself? btw i don think u shud stay in their hostel freaking expensive! any frens going with u??