Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Forbidden City

The next morning we officially started our Beijing trip. The first thing we did was a trishaw ride along their conventional housing area. I totally had no idea about what happened I thought the trishaw ride was supposed to sent us to Forbidden City so I didn't take much pics through out the ride. I was just enjoying the cold air hitting on my face hahaha.

Sorry la Sorry la.. The trishaw cyclist covered us up with a blanket ^.^

As I said I had no idea what happened here so not much pictures available T__________T

Most of the restaurants on the road side looks like this..

Very winter sonata AHHAHA.. It was supposed to be spring when we went there but the weather was still cold as Beijing was far up north so the weather is basically still winter there. It was Saturday so the crowd & traffic was so crazy (imagine KL traffic X 100) the driver had to dropped us somewhere far & we had to walk quite a distance before we reached Forbidden City.

Despite the cold weather it was actually quite sunny over there thank god. The pedestrian walk was so clean & well developed unlike some country I know -_________-

CAN YOU SEE IT CAN YOU SEE IT? I'm not talking about my younger sister's paul frank bag =.="

Forbidden City is known as Former Palace aka Gu Gong now. It was built from 1406 -1420 & covers about 720000 square meters. This was the imperial palace during Ming dynasty till the end of Qing dynasty. Google Forbidden city if you want more info.

The backyard of the Forbidden City. Dramas sure had GLAMOUROURIZED this part.

Man made mountain done without sophisticated machines. You know lar, Feng Shui always says a place will be prosperous if there's mountain & water existing simultaneously, hence this fake mountain.

The garden was quite botak due to the cold season T_______________T I can't enjoy the flowers like the royalties do in the show -_____________-

In general the backyard was actually quite small but for the people in zaman dahulu it was considered huge please remember the fact that they don't have cellphones or microphones or phones or anything to communicate with each other except running here & there HAHA(insensitive laugh).

Can you please have a good glance at the crowd behind me? Trust me, this is hardly 5 % of the human sea present on that day =.="
The Empress' Bedroom. If you go closer you could actually see the display of the room but it was fucking hard to squeeze in the human walls surrounding it -.- The whole building is surprisingly small T.T Do you know that the empress is the only woman allowed to overnight with the emperor? The rest can only spend upto 2 hours only HAHA (insensitive laugh)

The emperor's room.. See? You could hardly squeeze to the front to have a look inside the emperor's room

Somehow I managed to snap a picture of this hahahaha

Out of the 720000 square meters I actually managed to find a spot with only 4 person in the background T.T

The Dragon Robe displayed in a small museum inside Forbidden City.

WOohoo I got the whole place to myself! Anyway where the hell is this?

The carriage used for the Emperor & Empress's wedding.

It's still quite unbelievable that I'm stepping on the grounds where the previous emperors & royal families resided =S

Resting tonnes of weight on the fragile & priceless walls.

On the way out hehe

Randomly taking picture while heading to Tian An Men Square.

Then I accidentally saw this.

hahahahahhahahahah.. Traumatizing childhood for that poor kid.

Monday, April 27, 2009


My love is sooooooooooooooooooooo sexy T_______________T

He was the reason I went for Ballroom dancing classes in the first place. For the 1st time in my life, I don't feel the ballroom dancer is gay T.T

Anyway.. when you're chatting with me when i'm extremely bored, please be prepared.

Or this.

I would like to thank all those who didn't kill me instantly & joined in my stupidity.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Beijing Day 1

Day 1 actually meant that I reached Beijing at 10 pm. Too bad we're departing from KK, which has only 1 connecting flight in ShenZhen, so we took Air Asia to ShenZhen & then transit & flew to Beijing from there. The whole journey was tiring, but exciting as well. When we first reached KK airport, the tour leader said,'These (me & my sis) 2 ladies are the youngest in the group!' Er.. Not a good sign T.T The flight from KK to Shen Zhen takes 3 hours, & when we reached Shen Zhen it was already 1 pm.

Ever since the start of vacation I was feeling so peaceful like I never been that way before & during the check in to Beijing is probably the only time I swore out aloud during the whole trip. As usual, China people =.=" I was standing at the side when my tour leader was checking our lugguage for us & suddenly this rude, barbarian, uncivilised China Man came pushing me & said,'Get out my way' & drill his way through the crowd to approach the check in counter. The next thing I know I swore out a loud Fuck but I don't think he understand anyway T_______T but my tourmates did T_________________T Then Rude,Barbarian, Uncivilised China Man was talking loudly to the person behind the counter, & then shoved his way through the crowd in front of him again Niama kanasai @$%$#^%$

We were stuck in Shen Zhen airport for 3 hours before the next plane to Beijing so me & my sis decided to walk around the airport. Then we came across this!
Pork burger & red bean pie

Shen Zhen's weather is surprisingly warm I'm a bit sien coz I've wasted 13 kgs of my AirASIA lugguage limit of 15kgs all on my winter clothes T__________T Transit was so boring we end up admiring their nicely kept aquarium instead.
I don't know what fish is this but my sis was damn pissed to see this in an aquarium coz she paid alot to Sipadan island just to look at this fish & their whole species was shy that day & didn't show up hahaha. Anyway I think it's specialty was to breed only in the evening, correct me if I'm wrong.

Around 4 pm we boarded our plane to Beijing & it takes 3 hours too! By the time we reached there it was already 9pm plus so our tour guide brought us to the 1 & only 24hours Dim Sum restaurant in Beijing. I find it surprising that there wasn't much sight of Night Life in China's capital city & all shops seems to closed at 10pm!

Sorry, no make up, no contact lenses & no fake eyelashes on that day because it was a whole day flying schedule.

Our hotel is a 5 star hotel located quite far from the town. It costs almost RM700 per night for the cheapest room =S & we stayed there for 2 nights =.=|||

Ohya before I forgot,

This was printed on the back of our immigration card LOL.

Liquan is back in BBT!!& now only i get to know haha.



Sunday, April 19, 2009


I lost my video making virginity to this =) Mission Sammy Wammy 22 accomplished. Thanks for all your participation! Please view it under full screen k?

I din include this in the video because the plate looks dirty LOL. And because that plate I used it since 5 years old cute o not ahahahhahaha

Sam, thanks for being such a wonderful friend! My childhood memory would be blank if you weren't there! I miss you so damn freaking much! May your smile continue to brighten every soul that met you! Big hugs & big Muakss!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Please watch this


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today we went on a wild goose chase. Wong Wong left the college to hospital postings late because she had a patient when the bus came so she borrowed RM10 from me to take public transport to the hospital. Then I asked her to keep her lap top in my car so that she won't have to walked so far with it.

Around 4.30pm PN & KT came to the lab to look for me saying everyone is looking for Wong Wong 'coz she didn't make it to the hospital. Then I tried calling her as usual nobody picked up the phone =.=" So I called Sarah who was at home at the moment to check & see whether she's at home or not. It turns out that she's not. Then I called Yeeva who was at the hospital & she said she haven't turn up & now the bus had came & they're heading home. Then Kel got worried & say could it be that anything happened to her that till now she haven't contacted anyone? I was quite sure she couldn't remember any of our cellphone numbers =.=" Kel was worried that she was robbed or harmed but I thought that idea of her being robbed was highly unlikely since she had left her lap top bag in my car & she had went with only some books on her hands. Then Kel called the hospital to confirm that nothing bad happened *touch wood* (Thanks a lot Kel!!) & the hospital said there's a dental student admitted this afternoon. My heart skipped a beat I swear. But luckily the operator said the patient was a Malay girl.

I was thinking if by 5p.m. I still haven't heard from her then I will go over to Penang island to trace her route to hospital in case she's in distress because she used up her RM10. Kel insisted that we should go now or else the ferry would be overloaded by 5p.m. after work hours. So we went to ask permission from Mdm Priya & left. We met Pri chan n Chan Chan on the way to get my car so they followed us too. I wanted to check Wong Wong's bag & see if she had brought her wallet with her but there WAS NO BAG TO BE SEEN. wtf. She had brought her lap top bag with her OMG. Then we quickly drove to the jetty & took a ferry over to the island. Yeeva was so worried she was checking out the passengers on the other ferry to see if she had gone off from the other ferry. Then we passed by another ferry on the way to island I jokingly asked Yeeva to go & call out Wong Wong & see if there's any reply haha.

After 5 mins Carmen called. Wong Wong's home. T___________________T & we were still stuck in the ferry wtf.

Turns out that she was on the bus to hospital & she missed the stop. Then the bus driver asked her to get down in some deserted area so she waited & waited & finally a bus passed by after 1 hour -____________________________- Then she got back & realised she left her keys at home & she didn't knew Sarah went back home early today so she waited at a restaurant until 5p.m. for me to come back. Then she was waiting at our neighbour's unoccupied house & that is when Carmen saw her when she drove pass our house wtf.

Hahaha.. Thank god that nothing bad happened to her =)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Random update


The 1st day I went back KK me, Flo & Hii Beh went Tanamera for drinks.
Iced Chocolate my favourite~

Then we head to Thai pub before Miss Cinderella has to reach home at 10p.m.
Miss Cinderella

Hii Beh

Met up with Lilian at City Mall. Sam came too~
Old Town Kopitiam

Sam #1
Sam #2
Sam #3 LOL

8 out of 10 Pics was like this HAHAHA
Famous toast in Damai.. I'm missing it now T.T


Friday night everyone's finally free~ Sing K~
Hii Beh & 'Ah Lai' hahaha
Florence without her curfew on Friday night ^.^
Then Ming Kang chose this silly song
Cam whore hahaha..

Hii Beh is still holding pics of me & Flo dancing Cha Cha in the Karaokay room LOL.. Send it to me k?? Towards the end we were choosing high pitch songs so we can scream & yell for fun =D

Then they got too comfortable LOL
See this see this HAhahahaha
They look like a couple ^.^

Damn funny the 2 of them =D

Sorry I'm so depressed that I'm back in Penang now please forgive me for not blogging much these few days.