Monday, November 17, 2008


Motorbike robbery is not an urban legend after all.

Trust me, whatever you pictured yourself to react when you met 1, its not gonna happen. YOU ARE NO KUNG FU MASTER!!!! Especially kicking the motorbike part. Tee hee.

So I was walking back home during lunch hour & it takes barely 10 minutes to reach my house. The whole time i was thinking what to eat for lunch BUT I WAS WALKING NEAR THE BUILDING (the distance between me n building is roughly 0.5m). Then suddenly I felt someone tugging my bag & I thought I was blocking someone's road then I move slightly aside & realise a hand WAS HOLDING ON MY BAG. A motorcyclist was just next to me & it didn't hit me that this fucker is trying to ROB ME until the bike drove in front of me & HE'S STILL HOLDING ON MY BAG. When I finally realise that this motherfucker is ROBBING ME I PULLED MY BAG WTF (You should never do that K). We were struggling for like 5-10 seconds(I lost track of time) then I used my umbrella to hit him LOL. He still wouldn't let go & I gave him an angry stare & HE STARED BACK AT ME WTF WTF WTF. Finally he gave up & drove away.

I quickly walked to the shoplots, my mind was blank at that time. My heart was thumping so loudly I didn't know what to do. I saw 2 men who WITNESSED THE WHOLE THING & ALL THEY DID WAS SITTING THERE POINTING AT MY DIRECTION & TALK. I heard a bike paasing by & IT WAS HIM AGAIN! HE'S LOOKING AT ME LIKE HE WANTED TO ROB ME AGAIN OR KILL ME BECAUSE I STARED AT HIM HAHAHA. Then when he was out of sight for the second time, I quickly ran into a restaurant & hide near the basin area. Then my heart keep thumping faster & faster & my hands was shaking. I did not leave the basin area until quite some time the shopkeeper was staring at me. I called my friends but noone brought their phone. So I called Thavanes & she picked up & before I can even say a word I CRIED WTF. I felt like those weak, useless woman & I cried non stop. Then I hung up & text her instead.

The shopkeeper came over & asked me if I needed help or not then I told him what happened so he asked me to sit down & wait for my friends to come. When I finally calmed down I talked to Yeeva & they say they're coming over to pick me up. Then Thavanes also called Harvin to pick me up hehe. So anyway, I felt so embarrased when Yew Jhin saw me crying when they came to pick me up. They decided that it would be a bad idea to go home coz it happens just 100 m away from my place. So I went to Yen Chan's place & waited until she came back teehee.

So I guess no more walking to class for slimming/save money/save petrol/save the earth for me. & I think I have to disguise myself from now on since me & fucker stared at each other but I cant recognise him nor his number plate except that it starts with P wtf (All vehicles purchased n registered in Penang starts with P LOL).

So gals be careful coz this is Malaysia~ & motherfuckers are everywhere. And seriously, there's no time for you to kick the motorbike.

P.S. To the KNNCCB/NMCH/MF Indian who tried to rob me today, I hope 1 day ur dick will be bblended into pieces & the same goes to your descendant too~ If u had 1


cal said...

thank god ure ok la...
if mum n dad noe, chan lor...haha
n tats malaysia for u! see u in trouble then jz watch! =.=

Kylie said...

good curse babe ahaha.
you're always the woman! I know i've told u a lot of times that im more naggy than ur yi po.
plzzzzz be careful arrr!!
and, cant wait to see uuuuuuuuuuu!

Elvina czQin said...

Good gracious, Chia Min. Thank goodness you're fine. And yea, Malaysia, a bad country. I'm not just stating the robber, but those so-called witnesses too. Dang, I love the way you curse them. Yea, sure. Malaysia Boleh... my ass. Be extra careful next time. Bring your perfume instead too. Spread them into his helmet or directly into his eyes. If not, there's always the nostril. Hahaha...