Thursday, May 8, 2008

Great News

I have general medicine & general surgery subjects to study for this year. Every week Wednesday & Thursday we'll have to visit the GH for lectures and clinicals session.

3 weeks ago on my first class, we were posted to Respiratory Department. The doctor showed us how to inspect a patient & read that patient's X ray.

In the wards, my attention wsa caught by a 22 years old girl who was diagnosed of chronic TB. She looked so thin & sick & she was lying on the bed covered with oxygen mask. The doctor said she might not make it. I felt so sad for her then, as she was such a pretty girl & she was so young.

Today I went to the wards again, & I saw her. I couldn't recognise her at first, she was on her feet with her friend & she looked so radiant! Who knows maybe she might be able to discharge soon. I felt so happy for her! I know it was none of my business but I actually felt like crying haha..

Anyway, after 5-6 visits to GH I came to a conclusion, Doctors are short wtf.

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