Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Losing My Mind

I’ve did something very stupid yesterday that might have cost my life. When I woke up from my afternoon nap yesterday, I had the urge to get out of my room. I stood in front of my room thinking for a long time & I was wondering whether I should go to town or not. Then I saw the bloody cleaners & ask them to come up & clean my room. They have the guts to tell me they’re leaving because it’s 5.30pm. This is the 3rd time they refused to clean my room because it’s time, except that previously they told me the had to leave at 6.00p.m.. Damn it. I freaking paid RM 1000 for their lame service & the best they can do is come to my room during holidays only or unless I complained to the warden. If I don’t complain, they’ll just come to me & say it’s time so they are leaving. First time they did it, I was so angry I slammed the door in front of them, had a fit in my room & in the end I had to go jogging to let it all out. Jogging man, a thing I never do if I had choice. 2nd time they did I had to calm myself down because I was still suffering from sore legs after the damn jog I went. 3rd time they did, which was yesterday, I’m just so pissed so I decided I need to get out of this place.

That’s not all. I’ve been feeling crappy whole day because of an upset stomach, a seriously failing test, & I still haven’t forgiven the damn juniors for their damn attitude. I’m so sick of feeling angry & pissed all the time I just desperately need a change. And I’m so sick of being single for so long, 5 damned years to be exact, continuously that I can’t even hang on to my subject of interest for more than 3 months. Anyway, I was just so pissed all of a sudden that I just change my clothes & went to town. Alone. For the first time after I’ve been here for a year.

Lucky for me, Thavanesh was heading to town too so we went up the bus together (I still don’t know how to take a bus) but her stop was before mine. I reached the town by myself & I walked to all the places I usually go by taxi. I felt much calmer after I walked my way to those different places I went. I even tapau a lot of food because I get hungry easily these few days. And as usual, all the way I went, those locals are staring at me because they never really seen an oriental Asian before. I know I should have worried about it because usually I came in gang but yesterday I was alone so they could attack me if they wanted to. I dunno what’s wrong with me yesterday but the whole time I was just so depressed & even the ‘wise’ part of me was worrying about it, I was just thinking, ‘So what? F it. I don’t care.’ Then in the middle of doing my shopping, I received a concern call from friends who just realized I went to town myself. I really appreciated it but I’m just crazy when I am depressed. I can’t even reason my own actions.

Around 8.45pm I finished shopping so I wanted to head back to my hostel. When I was considering the options to go back, either by bus or by taxi, there wasn’t even 1 taxi in sight on the road. Even when they finally shows up, it’s either occupied or they don’t wanna pick up customers. I stood there waiting for almost 20 minutes & still there isn’t any taxis dropping by. I start wondering whether I should walk to the bus station which is a 15 minutes walk away along a dark alley or not. Suddenly, a bike stopped in front of me. A man of late 20s or early 30s was riding it.
‘You waiting for vehicle?’
‘Erm.. Yeah. I was waiting for an auto to stop by, actually.’
‘Where are you heading?’
‘New bus stand.’
‘If you don’t mind I can give you a ride there.’

I stared at him for a few seconds, my mind is flashing those news I’ve seen on papers bout how those gals got raped & murdered in Malaysia, & those adults’ advices about don’t talk to strangers thingy.

And I said yes. Wtf. Kill me please. I was taught not to talk to strangers, not to accept sweets from strangers coz they will take you to sell wtf when I was young. And now, here I am, just accepted a stranger’s offer to give me a ride. But I’m not that stupid though, and not proud of what I just did either. I boarded his bike, carefully look at the surrounding in case he’s bringing me to a different place, & trying to look for the hardest object I had so that I can knock him out if I had to. And the closest thing to hard I can find is a 200 pages Astrology book I just purchased wtf. Worst come to worst, I’ll just jump off the bike I had to.

Thank god I was blessed with extreme luck yesterday that he’s just a guy who went to Thailand last year & is grateful to the hospitality the Thais gave him during his stay. And he thought I was a Thai so he stopped by to ask whether I needed help or not just to return the kindness the Thais had gave him. God bless you Thai people. And god bless you too, Vaidhya, for saving my ass & not rape me wtf. But if you did its your unlucky day haha. Anyway, he did not just sent me to the bus station, he stopped & asked around the station for my bus & dropped me off right in front of my bus. How sweet of him!!

I felt so bad for suspecting him at the first place because he could have also worried that I’m 1 of those robbers that pretend to need help & then rob him in the middle of the road. I feel so ashamed too for judging all the Indians just because some of them cheated the hell out of me. They’re just humans. There are just 1 of us. Nothing I had ever done to deserve such kindness & yet I’m grateful to get back my hostel alive. All the way back on the bus I was smiling non stop. I guess I was so depressed that I decided to gamble with my luck & see how far I can go that time. By this, I had found the answer I was looking for to deal with my depressed self.

After this, I might not be going out alone anymore because these kinda good luck doesn’t really happens to me all the time. But still, this is a small chapter that had changed my whole perception of the book & I’m grateful for it.

大好きな剛様!! お誕生日おめでとうございます!!もう28才でしょう?早く結婚しなさいね~なんか最近いつも笑ってな剛様が戻ていました。本当に嬉しいです。ずっと応援しています。仕事お頑張ってくだいさい。

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