Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Lost of an Angel

A lot of things happened lately and I didn’t get to online coz I promised myself not to online until I finished my exam. Actually, I did online for a few times on Saturdays and Sundays. And the day I found out Hsu WeiLun (许玮伦) , a famous Taiwanese actress died of car crash.
I was so heartbroken I dunno why. The day before she died I just saw the news saying she had a serious car accident. And I thought she would have survived it. After a few days, I get to know it from Xian Hui that she’d passed away. I broke my own promise and went to Yeeva’s room & made her search the internet for the news. And of course, the major source is from Youtube. I saw them pushing her body from the hospital, covered with white cloth like what we always see in dramas, but this time it’s a real person inside. And I got so emotional that moment but still I can’t believe that she’s gone.
Not like I’m her big fan or something but it’s just so hard to take it when someone that seems so perfectly healthy is gone in a blink of an eye. This made me realize how lucky I am to still have my *touch wood* friends & families with me. Life is unpredictable. We never know when ours are gonna end. Maybe I might get infected by the stupid toenail I pulled out 2 weeks ago that shows no sign of healing with flowing pus whenever I dress the wound. Sorry, I was out of the topic. OK, from here onwards I’m gonna switch to Chinese mode.
2007年1月28日, 艺人许玮伦车祸导致脑部重伤, 在下午5时07分心脏停止跳动。她离世的消息,我听到后一直都很难以置信。
黄子佼说, ‘老天爷不舍得她,所以要把她带回身旁当天使。’
或许吧?在我影响中总是笑容灿烂的她,或许真的变成天使了吧?现在看回她生前的录像,还是难免感到心痛。失去她是台湾娱乐圈很大的损失,她不仅长得漂亮,演技好,歌声甜美, 她也是唯一我所知道的女艺人当中会弹竖琴的。其实我并没看过她的戏, 可是开始对她有好感的时候是因‘快乐狮子会’时,制作单位请了她前男友上来,当时她回忆起过去情伤,而在节目上掉泪。当时的画面让我感到同病相怜,也因此使我开始注意她。 她曾是青春偶像的代表,如今却也让人领悟到生命的脆弱。我在这里真心祈禱, 希望她在另一个世界过得开开心心的。

Her voice is really nice..

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