Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I was translating this song to someone & I felt the lyrics are really beautiful.

It's a song by SHE called Love came by.

My english sucks by the way..

A lot of those meaningful sentences got lost in translation..

Love Came By

I can't move on, I can't let go, becoz i've seen love blossom in my eyes

I wanna wait, keep waiting, until the memory of that night comes back

When you hugged me, that moment I felt like I was flying in the air

And when i slowly landed, I was no longer myself, I have a dream, & I was in it

Love came by, it was so beautiful, so fierce, it was cheering, it stone-heartedly ran over my life

Even regrets, I shamelessly treasured them with a smile

Love came by, I was complete, I was happy, How could I simply let it go?

I do not want to be freed, I'm only afraid that I would missed it, I just wanna wait for you to come back & love me

Loneliness is yelling out, but i'm not afraid, Because I could only hear how much i missed you

The world is so big, it will be able to contain my little silly but stubborn faith

Did you made promises? I have already forgotten, but its no longer important

Because anyhow I would still wait, I would wait in my dream, my one & only beautiful dream

If i needed a miracle to call you back, then let my tears evaporate, let it turn into snowflakes

Let the snowflakes together with me melt in the embrace of love

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