Wednesday, March 18, 2009

6. Tagged

Wooooooo... I love tags! TAG me so i got something better to do in life wtf.

Last beverage → water
Last phone call → mum
Last text message → dad =.="
Last song you listened to → Yuna Ito - trust you ( thanks to jacky I can't stop listening to this song)
Last time you cried→ grey's anatomy season 5 epi 17

Dated someone twice → nope.. move on babe~
Been cheated on → yea ahahahahahah
Kissed someone & regretted it → not yet
Lost someone special→ used to be special but now i'm glad i lost him/her..

Fallen out of love → 7 years ok?
Laughed until you cried → HAHHAHAH.. oweys laugh until i cried with my soul mate k?
Met someone who changed your life → hehe.. sorta
Found out someone was talking about you → i'm too ignorant to know =.="
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?→ approximately 10 i guess
Do you have any pets → currently adopted a cat but actually yeeva is the one doing everything T.T
Do you want to change your name → i love being suzu hamasaki LOL
What time did you wake up today → 8.30pm coz hav to send my paretns to airport
What were you doing at midnight last night → mid night? i slept at 11pm coz got nothing to do can?
Name something you cannot wait for → traveling! i wanna see snow plz let me see snow wtf
The last time you saw your father→ 2 hours ago b4 i send them off?
What's one thing you wish you could change→ my self esteem
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → yes.. *bloom*
What's getting on your nerves right now → irresponsible ppl
What's your name → Suzu hamasaki
Elementary/Primary School→ Chung Ching & St james
Middle/Secondary School → Lok Yuk
High School → Lok Yuk
Hair color → red now WOOHOOO
Long or short → freaking short wei!
Are you a health freak → the only fattening stuff i don eat is oily, deep fried stuff. considered heahlty??
or lefty→ righty!

First surgery → my birth was a caesaerean birth. & i removed my toenail 2 years ago haha
First piercing → 5 years old supposed to teman my sisters to do theirs then they pushed me in to see if it hurts. I WAILED LIKE SHIT TO SCARE THEM haha
First best friend → someone who bit me in kintergarden LOL
First sport you joined → cycling with neighbourhood kids. my opponent was 5 years older so i was very determined to win I nearly ran down by a car but still continue anyway WAHAHAHHA..
First pet → fish.. or chicks HAHAHAHAHHAHA gave them away b4 i moved to kk & tat family ate them T.T
First vacation → er.. genting highlands ?

Eating → ate di.. waiting for next round
Drinking → waiting for my sis to pass by the room so i can order her to fetch me some drinks LOL
Waiting → for someone to ask me out

Want kids? → eventually i guess
Want to get married?→ don wan unless its hyun joongie oppa or tsuyo pi
Careers in mind? → haih..

Kissed a stranger → nope
Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol → HAHAHHAHAHA
Lost glasses/contacts → lost? nope
Ran away from home → nop
Broken someone's heart → i just wanna break 1
Been arrested → HAHAHAHHAHA.. nop
Cried when someone died → yes

Yourself → i believed there's nothing i can't do
Miracles → i'm here now bcoz of miracles!
Love at first sight → hyun joongie oppa
Heaven → yes
Kiss on the first date→ depends whether the date is hot or not =D
Angels → Yes

Is there one person you want to be with right now? → soulmate! 24/7 can!
more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?→ wanna try it out
Do you believe in God? → yes

TAGGING james, ann, vivian, tong tong~

I accidentally slam the taxi door against my finger now its turning black T.T

Anyway, yesterday I flew back to KK by MAS & I FREAKING LOVE MAS!!! They serve me Ferrero Rocher chocolates & Haagen Daz icecream CAN??? The best part is its not VAnilla flavour WOOHOOOOO.. Air Asia serves me nothing but backache & stiff neck! =.="


娴娴 said...

huh..Haagen daz ice-cream oo
My favourite!!!Yeah..may im goin 2 take MAS bek 2 kk..wait 4 it kekeke
Hahaha..i hate airasia too..lousy service!!

Love u

Suzu Hamasaki said...

hehe.. it really shocked me lor haha.. air asia gives me nightmare T.T