Wednesday, March 25, 2009

11. Earth Hour

Join earth hour on 28th March 2009! Just turn off the lights from 8pm to 9pm & go green!

My dad said, 'Just switch off the lights only right? Can turn on the TV right?' =.="

I'm leaving to Beijing this Friday & I don't know what to pack!


Kaili for you HAHAHAHHAHA


娴娴 said...

Arghhhh..sheng rou mian hahahah

娴娴 said...
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Kylie said...

SANG NYUK MIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Have fun in beijing babe u cannot see snow again HAHAHAHAHHA. Play for my part! Imagine I'm there wtf.

Lady Lips said...

hellooo suzu!!! lama tak jumpa ;)

and and, Lady Lips is FAMOUS blog you stalk eh? hehhehhe. thank u!!!

Lady Lips said...

btw, it's Tsae Yun who leaves comment here -.- didn't realise im logged in with "lady lips"...... -.-

Kylie said...


Elvina czQin said...

Wei... now click on my name, and you shall have my blog address. hhehehe... click ya, jangan tak click. hehehe