Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2009!!! I'm sorry again for not updating my blog. Been busy. Trust me. 2009 seems to be a bad year for me, from New Year's Eve till now I'm having a series of unfortunate events T.T

My finals is coming soon too so I would probably be busy these few MONTHS hehe so I won't be blogging often.

Anyway last month, my beloved woman came up to Penang & we had a wonderful time. She came up with her 4 friends, 1 guy as the driver & 3 other gurls as well. I met them up at Autocity (the only place I know how to drive there) & later at night we went to Gurney Drive & also Sunset Bistro, a well hidden but happening pub at Batu Ferringi. We were there till 2am, so her friends suggested that maybe I should overnight at the guy's apartment in the island as well. But since I did not bring anything, I went home to Butterworth anyway with my beloved woman.

The next day my beloved woman was supposed to join her friends at the island coz Butterworth is a small small town without tourist attraction so we planned to meet up with her friends at Queensbay Mall. When we saw them, we were surprised to see that they've brought their lugguages with them. The guy was no where to be seen.

In the end, we've come to know that the guy who drove them around, had secretly planted USB cameras in the toilet where they took their shower =.=" Luckily 1 of the girls was sharp enough to noticed it. They confronted the guy & demanded to see his parents. They took the cameras & also his laptop to delete the videos he had took of them. This guy was a friend of theirs since high school & he look so honest & nice you won't even imagine he would have done it. He even confessed that it wasn't the first time he had done this, he had also taken the videos of his housemates in Australia.

So the purpose of this post is to remind you the true nature of men HAHAHAHAH just joking la. What I wanted to say is that we as females should never let our guard down no matter who we're with. It doesn't matter how long we've known someone because there's no guarantee that they will not betray our trusts in any ways. You have to protect yourselves & be alert (you might find tonnes of hidden cams this way =)). Or else it could have been you to be the next Gillian Chung or watever.

P.s. let me remind you that you CAN make a police report regarding this matter.

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