Monday, December 8, 2008

Productive Weekend

While my other housemates are having fun in Cameron Highlands, me & Pri chan was having fun staying back at Butterworth too. On Friday night, 6 of us went to watch Twilight.

He still looks weird to me.

Yen chan said the movie was so dissapointing as she loved the books. To me, I actually enjoyed the show but I thought that the main actor should brush up his acting skills =.="

Then on Saturday, after sending my housemates off, me & pri chan went to Queensbay mall. We ate at Kim Gary's new outlet T.T I finally found you! Then after dinner, we went to watch Linda Chung's performance in Queensbay mall. She came for the brand she advertised, Tanaka Bio-essence, & also to promote her new album. OMG IS SHE HUMAN OR WAT?

We were standing at the backstage area so at 1 point we're actually quite near her as she was awiting for her time to appear on stage. But Pri chan didn't save that video T.T Then after the show everyone was waiting for her at the backstage exit but I look around for the possible route that she'll take to leave the place & I waited at the toilet area (because it's near the exit to the carpark) & she did really went out that way T.T I GET TO SEE HER CLOSE UP WITHOUT THE CROWD HAHAHAHAH. Kinda like stalker right? HAHHAHAHAHA I heard Yeung Yi was also in town yesterday but she went to Gurney Plaza. Too bad, perhaps next time.

Then yesterday we went to Megamall for karaokay & ended up shopping again.

7 pairs of shoes in 2 days.
3 pants.
2 tops.
1 belt.
3 books.
4 comics.
1 pair of sunglasses.

And now I'm eyeing a Guess wallet 40% off T.T


Lastly, I just wanna show you guys this.

When you're bored as you're doing 'big business' in the toilet, you can play colouring meanwhile. Just colour everything brown LOL


Kylie said...

WHy she looks so funny in the first pic, she as the bride or whatever hhahaha. Looks chubby. But why she looks so thin in real life! Very pretty horrrr...

I watched twilight too. I tot it was boring throughout the show. Towards the end, only I started realise eh this show quite good eh, so romantic one wtf. Robert pattinson is hot but yea a bit weird, his head, his forehead very big hahahhaah

Suzu Hamasaki said...

very square jaws hahhaahahahha

cal said...

wah, u were in town, n u nvr come look for me :p
n lol, stalkers runs in the family i guess..:D

娴娴 said...

the tisu paper roll so cute le..wer u buy??

Suzu Hamasaki said...

HAHAHAHAHAH nola i wont buy it heheheh.. i found the pic online

cal said...

hey jie! merry xmas! xp