Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Pass By so fast

I changed my hair style! hehe
I went to Queensbay Mall yesterday! I personally feels that's the best mall in Penang so far.

Anyway, me, Thavanes & PeiNee went to watch Hancock. We were 'fashionably late' ( as usual), so when we settle down & watch the movie it already started for 15 mins or so. After 20 minutes, I heard someone behind me was clearing his throat damn annoyingly. Pretending not to hear anything, I continued to watch the movie like nothing happened.

As the 'throat clearing' sound gets more & more louder, & more & more frequent; suddenly I heard a snort. I suddenly realised it was a SNORE! Only 30 minutes after the show starts!! I nudged Thavanes & whispered,' Someone sleeping at the back!' She looked behind & said,' Oh ya! The guy's directly behind you!' Then 2 of us burst out laughing! PeiNee didn't get why we laugh at first & she was like, ' This scene very funny mer?' But we were laughing non stop ( why so annoying wan us?=.=") so noone tell her the joke. The snoring ceases for a while & it started again. This time I swear the whole cinema can hear him ok? Then ppl starts laughing & keep looking over. Hope they don't think its me.

I think that poor man slept through the whole show & finally wakes up at the last scene haha. Paid Rm 10 to sleep wtf.

Then I cut my hair there too! Not at the cinema la. I have a lame question for you guys: There are 2 saloons there, 1 full of Leng zai, another full of erm... normal looking guys, if you were me, which would you choose?


Kylie said...

Normally, I go the one with leng chais... But must pretend to be chio larr wtf. by the way, you're cheating bout your hair. SHOW ME THE REAL YOU SHOW ME! EVERY ANGLE! I DON'T TRUST YOU HA HA HA

Suzu Hamasaki said...

y u so smart wan? hahahah.. damn shy lar leng zai's wan.. i went to the other saloon instead =P

vivacious said...

eh, not leng chai meh the guys who did ur hair? got even more leng chai wan ar? where where? ;P

Suzu Hamasaki said...

just a few shops away from the saloon we went hahahah..

J'me said...

of coz the lengchai lar! if the haircut not nice, at least u still have stg 'nice' to look at! =P BABE yr hair rocks!! ya ya i wanna see every angle too!! haha post post!