Friday, July 6, 2007

What extremely bored ppl will do

I got out of my room to get some juice & suddenly Priscilla was calling me over to the window facing the guys' hostel.

'Come! Come! Got something to see!'

I walked towards the window & glanced down. I saw Wei Shean (a.k.a. uncle/lone ranger) walking topless & in his shorts *shy* towards gals' side of The Great Wall which is built just to piss us off. Most of the guys were outside the hostel & some were stretching out their heads (like me!) from second floor to watch/participate the event. Then Wei Shean bent down, hiding himself from the guys & started taking something out of his plastic bag. Then he start throwing stuff (which later I found out was eggs) towards the guys. The guys were happily catching the eggs =.=" Apparently the guys tied him up on the chair & poured disgusting stuff on him just now so it's his turn to fight back.

I didn't give much thought to it coz it's a normal ritual for us PIDC student to bash someone during their birthday so I went back to my room.

The next day I asked Sheng Earn what happened the night before.

' We are celebrating his birthday ma.'

' Yesterday his birthday meh?'

' No. His birthday was 3 months ago.' LOL

Poor Wei Shean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...