Sunday, July 22, 2007

HP fever


And I somehow got my hands on a copy of it but I'M NOT FREE TO READ IT. DAMN!

Anyway, f*ck the news for revealing the ending & f*ck myself for reading the damned news.

But its fun anyway to go around the hostel threatening to tell the ending. My favourite victim would be Yan & Hannee coz being typical Aries, they'll kill me if I really tell them the ending like Victoria Kong. LOL. Just love to see them duck or scream when I say,' You know, Harry Potter is going to %^#$%^'

AAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhh. Life is so boring here that I have to do this to entertain myself T.T

p.s. What goes around comes around. Yan had finished reading the book & now she's threatening to tell me the whole story T.T Sorry Yan, 我知错了。。。 Gomenasai..

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