Ever since the start of vacation I was feeling so peaceful like I never been that way before & during the check in to Beijing is probably the only time I swore out aloud during the whole trip. As usual, China people =.=" I was standing at the side when my tour leader was checking our lugguage for us & suddenly this rude, barbarian, uncivilised China Man came pushing me & said,'Get out my way' & drill his way through the crowd to approach the check in counter. The next thing I know I swore out a loud Fuck but I don't think he understand anyway T_______T but my tourmates did T_________________T Then Rude,Barbarian, Uncivilised China Man was talking loudly to the person behind the counter, & then shoved his way through the crowd in front of him again Niama kanasai @$%$#^%$
We were stuck in Shen Zhen airport for 3 hours before the next plane to Beijing so me & my sis decided to walk around the airport. Then we came across this!
Shen Zhen's weather is surprisingly warm I'm a bit sien coz I've wasted 13 kgs of my AirASIA lugguage limit of 15kgs all on my winter clothes T__________T Transit was so boring we end up admiring their nicely kept aquarium instead.
Around 4 pm we boarded our plane to Beijing & it takes 3 hours too! By the time we reached there it was already 9pm plus so our tour guide brought us to the 1 & only 24hours Dim Sum restaurant in Beijing. I find it surprising that there wasn't much sight of Night Life in China's capital city & all shops seems to closed at 10pm!
Our hotel is a 5 star hotel located quite far from the town. It costs almost RM700 per night for the cheapest room =S & we stayed there for 2 nights =.=|||
Ohya before I forgot,
This was printed on the back of our immigration card LOL.
Liquan is back in BBT!!& now only i get to know haha.
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