This is probably my favourite place in Hong Kong. I did not met any artiste during my trip, sadly. So when I step in the Wax Museum, I got mad. Let the pictures do the talking.
Part A: The Legends
Legendary Bruce Lee

Kelly Chen!

Malaysia's Pride

Say Cheese to the paparazzi~


I dunno who the hell this is.. somebody enlighten me please~

Do I look like America's Next Top Model?

Met my sister there too~

Leo ku~

My favourite author~

Probably the 'Freshest' face in the wax museum

Cecilia Chong~ Or should I say Cecilia Tse?


Brad is mine!
Part B: Artistic Artist
Guess who?

The Legendary drawing!

With me in it!

I still can't believe he's gone..

I really don't understand your drawing, Picasso

Enjoying music =.="

Madam Tussaud, the founder of the wax museum.
Part C: History Never Been this Interesting
Kneel before me, you peasants!

She's very very very tall.

Sorry I did not bring my Ruppeess

When I'm the president of America, I promise you.......
It's not what you saw, seriously!

Hi, people~

gola~ think of those crazy stuff u can do inside hahahah
the last pic very funny le!!!有前途 有前途 hahahahhaha.remember introduce his fren 4 me ya..hahahaha
ha ha ha.. I love the last part. OMG, your bf is sooooo leng cai la. hahahahah. I just came back from Japan leh :P hehehehe, how are you? oh God, Chia Min, you should stay in Japan. Dang those guys make me blush. LOL. Later!!!
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