And no, you don't get to bend it into any shape you want.
Our very first exercise is to do 3 straight wires.
The ONLY REQUIREMENTS are wires should roll on the glass plate with minimal sound & it should not have gap when they're seen under a straight plane.
And I've been doing it for almost 2 weeks T.T
Others have already proceeded to doing squares & rectangles but I'm still stuck in the same place since the first class.
People say I'm not talented nor fated to do Orthodontics.
I told them off saying I don't believe in talents.
I tried to come up with techniques to straightened the wires, but all I can think of is 100 ways of killing myself or the lecturers who made me do it with the wires =.="
Maybe I should stop being so stubborn & start to think of some other options T.T
I'm feeling like paris!!! HAHAHAHAHAH
hahaha.u r so cute=>
You're the coolest Orthodontic-in-the-making i've ever known!! So *toot* them for telling you otherwise. LOL... (Vick)
Oh oh oh...and i LURVE~ your parisness!! Kai Li got some catching up to do~!! (Vick again)
haha, jia you la jie!!
P/S: my add math sucks....seriously it sucks....
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