I'm back from Pondicherry, a city 5 hours drive from Salem. I was looking forward to go there coz I heard it's near the beach which means........ SEAFOOD!!!!! I'm horribly craving for seafood right now.. T.T
Last Saturday was the only holiday this month besides Sundays ( damn pathetic, I know) so we wanted to go on a class trip or something. At first someone suggested to go camping, but the plan was kind of 'rejected' by us when we know the camp site is inside a SAFARI. So we end up going to Pondicherry instead.
We left the hostel at 12 midnight & slept like a pig in a very stiff pose through out the whole journey. Keep banging my head on the window haha. The bus is non air-conditioned but luckily they got DVD player so we played Spiderman 3. I watched the beginning one third of the show, then slept off, then managed to wake up & watch the ending one third haha.
We reached the hotel around 5 something in the morning & 8 of us check into 1 room first to save money * cheers to kiam siap spirit..* The room was so small that 8 of us inside the room had already occupied all the space. Still tired from the journey, 6 of us slept on the double bed while Weiming got the chair & poor Sheng Earn who came in last slept on the floor.

That morning we went to Auroville, the main attraction there is a big golden ball where they built as a sign of unity of all nations or something. Sorry, din bother to listen to the details. Man, we're like sakais gawping at the guai lows that visited that place. Thought we went to somewhere civilised for a second.

Girls & a ball

Me & Matrimandir<- name of the ball

Then we got so mou liu & did these

Still inside Auroville

Oh yeah, that's my umbrella. Without it, I would have melt in Pondicherry.

Around 1.30pm we wanted to have our lunch.There's a great smelling restaurant inside Auroville & its crowded with guai lows & somebody's is just too impatient to wait so we left the place to seek for another restaurant. When I got back & told my juniors who went there earlier this year that we did not eat at Auroville, they cry for our loss T.T Anyway, the driver brought us to this beach place & said that there would be restaurants inside but we only found 1 & it's closed. I was grumpy throughout the whole journey coz of the hot weather & lack of sleep & hungry from the egg sandwich i had since morning. Finally, someone come to their sense & said that we should not waste time then we went to town to search for food. It was already 3 pm when we reach town & most of the restaurants are closed. So we end up eating in a bakery.

yum! finally some good pastries!

So pissed that I had no mood to make up before going to dinner

Passed by Uncle Gandhi's statue on the way to dinner
At night, we had dinner at a fancy French Restaurant (fancy for Indian standard), lots of guai lows dine there too~ I met a cute family of Japanese sitting right behind us.

As if I can drink..

An extra stuff

oo tis place i noe it..through tv!ahaha..:p
serious ah? i never even seen it b4..
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