After throwing flour, eggs & tomatoes on Vi~

Bufday gal on the left~

EAting cake

Gobbling food

SHowing off fat hands
May 26th Happy 19th bufday Sheng Yearn~
We had the ritual as usual

We prepared our potion ; ingredients are anything disgusting tat u can find in the kitchen

Start the ritual with a kiss form ur loved ones

Then pour the potion to the bufday boy

Another kiss from ur love to end the day
Then let the bufday boy chase u around for revenge.

Next day we went to dinner at Shevaroy
The guys made a pack to wear formal on top, n wear shorts n slippers beneath. And Eugene even brought his monkey! They look like kintergarden kids~ so cute!

Jinho presenting the cake to bufday boy

We forced sheng earn to wear bra n pantie

dunno y bobo oso kena~

Monkey wearing oversize bra n pantie

Me n gossip queens

Me, ming pin & hannee

With Sheng Yearn N steph

me n hannee

caught unprepared

senior batch~
A Series of Lesbian/Playboy/Sluts Pics (I strongly advise you to put away ur food now)

Guys Manipulating us.. Wtf
It was a rather funny post until the last pic, quoting you "wtf" indeed >_< hehe
hehehe.. too bored in india n this is our entertainment.. =)
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