3个都中了T.T 原来我是那么的不堪一击。
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Happy Bufday Vi & Sheng 'Yearn'
May 9th Happy 21st ViVian!

After throwing flour, eggs & tomatoes on Vi~

Bufday gal on the left~

EAting cake

Gobbling food

SHowing off fat hands
May 26th Happy 19th bufday Sheng Yearn~
We had the ritual as usual

We prepared our potion ; ingredients are anything disgusting tat u can find in the kitchen

Start the ritual with a kiss form ur loved ones

Then pour the potion to the bufday boy

Another kiss from ur love to end the day
Then let the bufday boy chase u around for revenge.

Next day we went to dinner at Shevaroy
The guys made a pack to wear formal on top, n wear shorts n slippers beneath. And Eugene even brought his monkey! They look like kintergarden kids~ so cute!

Jinho presenting the cake to bufday boy

We forced sheng earn to wear bra n pantie

dunno y bobo oso kena~

Monkey wearing oversize bra n pantie

Me n gossip queens

Me, ming pin & hannee

With Sheng Yearn N steph

me n hannee

caught unprepared

senior batch~
A Series of Lesbian/Playboy/Sluts Pics (I strongly advise you to put away ur food now)

Guys Manipulating us.. Wtf

After throwing flour, eggs & tomatoes on Vi~

Bufday gal on the left~

EAting cake

Gobbling food

SHowing off fat hands
May 26th Happy 19th bufday Sheng Yearn~
We had the ritual as usual

We prepared our potion ; ingredients are anything disgusting tat u can find in the kitchen

Start the ritual with a kiss form ur loved ones

Then pour the potion to the bufday boy

Another kiss from ur love to end the day
Then let the bufday boy chase u around for revenge.

Next day we went to dinner at Shevaroy
The guys made a pack to wear formal on top, n wear shorts n slippers beneath. And Eugene even brought his monkey! They look like kintergarden kids~ so cute!

Jinho presenting the cake to bufday boy

We forced sheng earn to wear bra n pantie

dunno y bobo oso kena~

Monkey wearing oversize bra n pantie

Me n gossip queens

Me, ming pin & hannee

With Sheng Yearn N steph

me n hannee

caught unprepared

senior batch~
A Series of Lesbian/Playboy/Sluts Pics (I strongly advise you to put away ur food now)

Guys Manipulating us.. Wtf
Friday, May 25, 2007
Bad Day
First, I was screwed for 'disturbing other students' in class.
Then, another lecturer told me to pay more attention in class when I was busy copying his notes wtf.
Then my freakin sardine fish exploded right at my face when I took it out from the microwave.
Add 2 more burn marks to my body, great.
Freakn bad day T.T
p.s. Micrbiology class is so freakin boring till I wrote a blog entry in the 2 hr class. But the draft is so long that I'm lazy to type out.. haha..
Then, another lecturer told me to pay more attention in class when I was busy copying his notes wtf.
Then my freakin sardine fish exploded right at my face when I took it out from the microwave.

Freakn bad day T.T
p.s. Micrbiology class is so freakin boring till I wrote a blog entry in the 2 hr class. But the draft is so long that I'm lazy to type out.. haha..
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Lacrimal Gland Clearance
I never knew my lacrimal gland contain so much tears until I watched the Japanese drama ' A litre of tears'. 1st day I watched until disc 4, & I had to stop because my brain is too dehydrated to continue. 2nd I wacthed 3 discs, & stop again eventhough there's 1 more disc left but my lacrimal gland had dried up so badly I decided to continue tomorrow. The last episode, the legendary episode I heard someone actually cried 58 mins in the 1 hour show. Have to keep myself prepared 1st. Haha. Now my face all swelled up like shit.
Grey's Anatomy Season 3 had come to the end! Can't wait to the next season~ Why does it always have to end that way each season? Derek is truly mcdreamy hehe..If anyone's watching that show, check out the leng zai in the episode where Addison went to LA or something.
Lost is extending its season until 2010! Damn lot more to follow. Getting tired of it edi actually. Why can't they just end it fast? T.T
OKla, can't think ledi. My head is falling to 1 side now. I'm gonna sleep! yay! For the 1st time in 2 weeks I'm sleeping at a decent hour! Only to wake up at 4 again hehe~
Grey's Anatomy Season 3 had come to the end! Can't wait to the next season~ Why does it always have to end that way each season? Derek is truly mcdreamy hehe..If anyone's watching that show, check out the leng zai in the episode where Addison went to LA or something.
Lost is extending its season until 2010! Damn lot more to follow. Getting tired of it edi actually. Why can't they just end it fast? T.T
OKla, can't think ledi. My head is falling to 1 side now. I'm gonna sleep! yay! For the 1st time in 2 weeks I'm sleeping at a decent hour! Only to wake up at 4 again hehe~
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Joint pain wtf
2 days ago in pathology class, I had this sudden joint pain on my knee. The pain lasted for a few seconds then it went off. After a while, it came back again. For a few times.
I was wondering what I did the previous night that might have caused the pain. As usual I just sat in front of the laptop & watch videos until 6 am then had 2 hours sleep before I came to class.
It couldn't be 'fong sap', judging by the fact that I'm perfectly young & erm.. healthy? Plus it's bloody hot in India nowadays, the atmosphere is nothing close to 'moist'. So maybe it's just that I'm malnourished lately as I'm having stomach ache for a few days & I totally lost the appetite to eat. Rare.
So I really didn't bother until around 9 pm, it started raining. Pretty heavily, i must say.
Fart! IT IS FONG SAP!!!!! T.T
I was wondering what I did the previous night that might have caused the pain. As usual I just sat in front of the laptop & watch videos until 6 am then had 2 hours sleep before I came to class.
It couldn't be 'fong sap', judging by the fact that I'm perfectly young & erm.. healthy? Plus it's bloody hot in India nowadays, the atmosphere is nothing close to 'moist'. So maybe it's just that I'm malnourished lately as I'm having stomach ache for a few days & I totally lost the appetite to eat. Rare.
So I really didn't bother until around 9 pm, it started raining. Pretty heavily, i must say.
Fart! IT IS FONG SAP!!!!! T.T
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Anger Management
Congrats to Henley for winning Superstar!! Now I can go around satisfying my ego by saying, 'hey, tat guy was my senior in high sch!' wtf.
I have anger management issues, & I always know that. And you people should know it better. When i was reading Sean's blog, I was like, 'shit! another anger management issues' evidence caught on blog!'
We were at Sunway Pyramid that time, me, Sean, Li & Florence. Sean wanted to withdraw money so we waited in the line together. Then when its supposed to be Sean's turn, an ass walk by & pretended he didn't see the line & stood right next to us. Knowing what he'll do next, I quickly asked Sean to take out her ATM card & go nearer to the machine so that she could insert the card & that ass has to excuses to cut the line. And when the person before us left, we quickly slipped into action & just when the card was a few inches away from the ATM machine, tat ass inserted his card & farting pretended he still didn't see us.
2 points here:
1. He didn't see a bloody line of 3 ppl right in front of the ATM Machine.
2. He didn't see Sean's hand just a few inches away when he inserted his farting card.
I stood there speechless for a few seconds. I can't believe he actually did that! Then I start talking very loudly about something to do with manners & upbringing. Then Sean & Florence was shocked that I actually say it out loud. Li was on the phone that time so she didn't participate in this whole affair but I know she will if she's there. Anyway I got so pissed tat I turn into the nearest shop to calm myself down. But hey, that's so unfair! Civilized people wait for their turns in LINES.
But even more civilized people won't pick a fight with others haha. Could have endangered my friends' lives. SORRY!!!
Just wanted to explain myself here. Not that I'm someone who scold people all the time.
Actually yes I am. Just screwed a few waiters today because I went to town with my greasy hair & I wanted to shower before I go but the plumber have to break the news to us saying that the water will only be supplied at night as they need to clean the stinky water tank. And I get to know that the stinky water tank (smells more like a sea cucumber breeding area) supplied the stinky bathroom water for the pass 1 week. Anyway, my greasy hair makes me feel anything but sexy today so in town I'm sad that I can't use my charms wtf. Then I screwed waiters for making me wait for 1 hr for the food.
PIDC is a damn lame college. Not only we have curfews, but if we broke any rules they'll print out a paper stating our 'crime' & make us sign it as a proof for our parents wtf. Yesterday I saw Aka(our female security guard) handing out papers to HanNee saying that she came back late 1 night & then she climbed the walls from the guys hostel to the gals hostel. Then I was standing there expecting Aka to gimme my share of climbing the walls too (Yep, I climbed a wall~ are u even surprised?). And I waited & waited. Then I checked myself. Hell, I actually got out of it. My name wasn't 1 of them. Then I just shut up & leave. Today Aka saw me & she was asking me whether I also got the memo or not. Then I stared at her for a second, & i put my finger to my lips & said,' Shhh...' Aka laughed & nodded.
Only 3 person kena, 3 person who went to complain about the ham sap male security guards, & this is how they put their revenge. But I pity them, they just pissed off someone that they shouldn't & now she's planning to accuse him of attempted rape wtf.
Some scary kids we are.
I have anger management issues, & I always know that. And you people should know it better. When i was reading Sean's blog, I was like, 'shit! another anger management issues' evidence caught on blog!'
We were at Sunway Pyramid that time, me, Sean, Li & Florence. Sean wanted to withdraw money so we waited in the line together. Then when its supposed to be Sean's turn, an ass walk by & pretended he didn't see the line & stood right next to us. Knowing what he'll do next, I quickly asked Sean to take out her ATM card & go nearer to the machine so that she could insert the card & that ass has to excuses to cut the line. And when the person before us left, we quickly slipped into action & just when the card was a few inches away from the ATM machine, tat ass inserted his card & farting pretended he still didn't see us.
2 points here:
1. He didn't see a bloody line of 3 ppl right in front of the ATM Machine.
2. He didn't see Sean's hand just a few inches away when he inserted his farting card.
I stood there speechless for a few seconds. I can't believe he actually did that! Then I start talking very loudly about something to do with manners & upbringing. Then Sean & Florence was shocked that I actually say it out loud. Li was on the phone that time so she didn't participate in this whole affair but I know she will if she's there. Anyway I got so pissed tat I turn into the nearest shop to calm myself down. But hey, that's so unfair! Civilized people wait for their turns in LINES.
But even more civilized people won't pick a fight with others haha. Could have endangered my friends' lives. SORRY!!!
Just wanted to explain myself here. Not that I'm someone who scold people all the time.
Actually yes I am. Just screwed a few waiters today because I went to town with my greasy hair & I wanted to shower before I go but the plumber have to break the news to us saying that the water will only be supplied at night as they need to clean the stinky water tank. And I get to know that the stinky water tank (smells more like a sea cucumber breeding area) supplied the stinky bathroom water for the pass 1 week. Anyway, my greasy hair makes me feel anything but sexy today so in town I'm sad that I can't use my charms wtf. Then I screwed waiters for making me wait for 1 hr for the food.
PIDC is a damn lame college. Not only we have curfews, but if we broke any rules they'll print out a paper stating our 'crime' & make us sign it as a proof for our parents wtf. Yesterday I saw Aka(our female security guard) handing out papers to HanNee saying that she came back late 1 night & then she climbed the walls from the guys hostel to the gals hostel. Then I was standing there expecting Aka to gimme my share of climbing the walls too (Yep, I climbed a wall~ are u even surprised?). And I waited & waited. Then I checked myself. Hell, I actually got out of it. My name wasn't 1 of them. Then I just shut up & leave. Today Aka saw me & she was asking me whether I also got the memo or not. Then I stared at her for a second, & i put my finger to my lips & said,' Shhh...' Aka laughed & nodded.
Only 3 person kena, 3 person who went to complain about the ham sap male security guards, & this is how they put their revenge. But I pity them, they just pissed off someone that they shouldn't & now she's planning to accuse him of attempted rape wtf.
Some scary kids we are.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Off with my head
Today i woke up, feeling very crappy, it started with diarrhea, then the urge to vomit & then a headache. But I still proceed to class anyway because my attendance is very bad. Thanks to the college who just have to build a tar road right in front of our class, the smoke & smell triggers my headache back again so I just went back to my room after 2 hours lecture & slept for 4 hours. And my damn head is still paining now.
I just started watching 'Goong'~ I prefered the other prince anyway, even though he does look sissy. But I'm scared of the main watak, because he reminds me of my Korean junior whom I screwed his external HDD. I felt guilty whenever I'm watching his scenes. But to tell the truth, I dunno whether its his HDD tat screwed my lap top or my laptop screwed his HDD. I got the Trojan virus which is extremely annoying coz it slows down my speed maximumly. Thanks to it, I have to reformat the lap top today. And i suspect its from his porns in his HDD. Yeah, his porns.
Anyway, does anyone knows any programmes that enable chinese character encoding besides the one in Windows?
I just started watching 'Goong'~ I prefered the other prince anyway, even though he does look sissy. But I'm scared of the main watak, because he reminds me of my Korean junior whom I screwed his external HDD. I felt guilty whenever I'm watching his scenes. But to tell the truth, I dunno whether its his HDD tat screwed my lap top or my laptop screwed his HDD. I got the Trojan virus which is extremely annoying coz it slows down my speed maximumly. Thanks to it, I have to reformat the lap top today. And i suspect its from his porns in his HDD. Yeah, his porns.
Anyway, does anyone knows any programmes that enable chinese character encoding besides the one in Windows?
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