Wednesday, December 20, 2006


After 2 weeks continously sleeping less than 4 hours a day, my strained soul now blogs to say that I have finally screwed all my exams. YAY! T.T

I seriously suspect that God hates me. Due to some last minute preparation, I can only depend my luck on spotting the questions. My previous experiences tell me that I HAD some luck in this. But this time, it seems like I had already strained my luck that now I had no more luck left in spotting questions =( Out of 2 long essay questions & 8 short essay questions, I only spotted 2 short essays which only constitutes 10 out of 70 marks. The other 60 marks questions is full of my shit =.= Other subjects no need to say lar *sigh*

Now I still have to drag my flaccid body to town to get my stock for 1 and half months so that I can concentrate on my youtube & no need to go out so frequently haha. And my eyes are drooping -.-

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