Sunday, August 16, 2009


Happy belated bday to me wtf.

22. Years. Old. Feels. Kinda. Sad.

Niways, I went out for dinner with Lilian at Nagasaki =)
I drove my dad's CRV hahahha.. This is the 1st time he let me drove his 5th daughter LOL. We went for a movie short after then head back home before midnight. This is the 1st time ever I spent my holidays in KK & came home before midnight 4 days in a row. T__T

On friday, we went to sing k with the rest! Everyone's free that day thank god.
The sweetie pies.. Made them sing 广岛之恋 to each other.. LOL

Ming Kang said: 难怪要越过道德的边境, 还要走过爱的禁区。 HAHAHHAHAHA

And he did a Hakka version of Fish Leong's 勇气。LMAO

Eason Hii

Enjoying the buffet. Erm... Maybe not.

Cikgu Sam

Eason Hii HiHiHIHi

Zookeeper LOL

They say we look like twins with my new haircut Haha

Met up with Elaine after so long! hearts!!

The many sides of a person when it comes to singing. Are you the:

Relaxed singer?
Mic Dominator?

Mouth shutter?


Sleeper when it's not your turn?

Wings flapper?

One who got cut from the picture?

Poser? LOL

A little competitive over the song selection screen.

Trying to do the thinker's pose

Ming Kang.. Completely slept off hahahah..

Hii Beh tried to relax but caught me snapping his piccies T___________T

Thank you sweethearts!! ITS A HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDEED!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This would have been a perfect day.

If only it ain't my birthday.

Monday, August 10, 2009

So much going on lately I did not have time to blog.

I was feeling down lately, especially after I got the news that my cousin passed away from a road accident. He's in his late 30s, married with 3 kids, wife is not working, so I get that you understand the impact on their family. I was saddened by the news, though we're not very close to each other, but sometimes we take things for granted & assumed that what we're having now will always be there. CNY dinner is going to be different from now T.T Life IS short, & you'll never know what or who you'll lose.

Then it was the hectic midterm exam. 2 weeks, 5 days in a row we're having theory papers, then another 5 days in a row we're having practical exams. Some lecturers are so freaking irritating they tend to give you instructions last minute & expect you to accomodate to what they want. 'Bring patients for yourself tomorrow!' or 'Prepare 3 sets of casts for practicals next week' or 'Friday's test switch to tomorrow & vice versa!' I was in so much of mental stress I kept attacking & slapping girls on Sorority Life (facebook) to destress. Tee hee.

Then it was the stupid target I set in April. I'm still 4 kgs away from my ideal weight. Since April I've been quitting Starbucks, I quit shopping, I cut down on fast food, & told myself that only if I managed to reach that goal in August, or else these things are still off my lists until i did. So byebye mega sales, see you next year T_______________T

& now I'm having my holidays, but I haven't met up with soulmate, Jamie, Tong Tong & the list goes on & on & on.. To weird things up, my aunt added me on FB so I have to filter my FB posts from now on HAHAHHAAH.. Even my mum knows bout FB =.="

My sis bought 2 T-shirts with zirafah for me hahhahaha.. I hearts zirafah!!

I'm still thinking on how to celebrate my birthday. I'm really tempted to do what Lilian did for hers teehee! Will update you soon k.

You know you love me.