Thursday, October 30, 2008

coming back soon

aorry for the delay.. just got our lines fixed at the new hse.. will be blogging soon

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

3rd day in Hong Kong

My soles are all swollen & painful when I walk on the 3rd day T.T Thanks to my late night shopping at Ladies Street & Garden Street for my sister's stuff ..

The third day we decided to go to Hong Kong Island to visit 3 places, Wong Dai Hsin temple, Stanley Market(chek choo), & The Peak. I'm proud to say that for the 3 whole days in Hong Kong we did not travel by taxi at all!! hahhahaha.. Consider it as 'Backpacker's Pride' LOL. Basically Hong Kong residents are very helpful, especially when you speak their language. I think all Hong Kong residents memorised the whole bus map coz whenever I ask a random stranger how to take a bus to certain destination, they can answer me without looking at the guidance map on the bus stop.

We went to Wong Dai Hsin Temple in the morning, thinking that most people pray in the morning coz we seriously dunno haha. Once we came out of the MTR, we have to climbed a few stairs before reaching the temple. There're a lot of grannies selling the prayer materials on the stairs, they'll cling on to you & make you buy from them. You won't be able to ascape coz takkan you swing your arms to get rid of them & let them roll down the stairs. So I ended up paying RM10 for the praying materials =.=" & realised that half of it are not allowed to bring into the temple wtf. Ah po cheated my feelings. On top of that, I got a 'Har Har Chim' when I asked bout relationship wtf X 100.

Inside the temple

Then we went to Causeway Bay (Tong Lo Wan) & shop at the famous Times Square. I got a pair of Pink Adidas sneakers again! Go through my previous posts to find out what happened to my last pair. We get to eat the best Dim Sum inside Times Square too!! If you pay your bills before 12 pm, you can get 30% discount. The smallest dish cost RM 9 FYI. T.T Money flies in Hong Kong. Anyway, they serve the best Loh Bak Gou & Po Loh Pau ever! I always wonder why Po Loh Pau (Pineapple Bun) is named that way coz I never tasted any pineapple from the bun. Nor did the Loh Bak Gou gave me any taste of turnip/radish at all. Here, this is the first time I ever tasted pineapple's sweet sourness in Poh Loh Pau & I could resist turnip's sweet aroma in the Loh Bak Gou they served here.
A curving escalator in Times Square
Inside the restaurant
The biggest Siew Mai ever
Loh Bak Gou!
Poh Loh Pau
Outside Times Square before going to Stanley's market

In the afternoon we went to Stanley's market, which is a famous beach side area in Hong Kong.

Stanley's Market street
Super sunny day LOL
In late evening, we went up to the Peak by tram to visit the Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum & of course to enjoy the night scenery of Hong Kong. Some even packed McDs for dinner while waiting for the sky to turn dark.
Me inside the tram

Outside Wax Museum (wax museum in a separate post)

We couldn't take the tram down to the city due to some technical problems so we ended up taking the double decker bus. A very 'sardined' bus. We're standing near the entrance coz the bus is too overcrowded & the bus is so hot & stuffy. A teenage boy next to me nearly throw up T.T. Finally we reach the MTR station then my sister suggested that we should go Lan Kwai Fong since we're near. Sorry not much pics are available coz I nearly died of my leg pain & it all shown on the pictures I took.

Despite of my leg pain, we still ended up shopping in Ladies Market again. LOL.
In Hong Kong, you must try the dessert from Tsui Law Shan which serves the best mango dessert ever!

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum coming next.