I felt like I'm in this abusive relationship with my college I'm strained emotionally & physically. This place changed me so much I'm jeopardising every human relation I ever had because I'm just so angry all the time. Now, I really missed Taylors College a lot.
I missed my hostel, my housemates, my classmates, MAC center & the flirtaceous owner, IDP whom I bugged alot in order to apply for universities in Australia, Mr Munin & his gay right defence (no, he's not gay), the computer lab, the library, Asia Cafe & the 5 kgs I gained through out the year HAHAHAHA.
So people, you younger ones, if you're looking for a Pre university course, you should consider Taylors because they have almost everything you need.
If you're not really adventurous, not a consistent student & you almost always study last minute, you should study A-levels. This is a 1 & a half year course & internal marks take a small percentage of your overalls. Most people prefer this because in school we are used to this system, which is to focus only on your final big examination.
Pros: This is a widely accepted pre university course with the reputation of the most difficult pre-u papers compared to others. You guys get the big freaking lecture halls in taylors i hate you.
Cons: You take 1/2 a year more than others to finish your pre-u.
If you're open to new options, a consistent student & not much of a risk taker, you should try South Australian Matriculation. This is a 1 year course, & focuses 50% in your internals & your big finals stands only 50% of your overall marks. This is applied especially to those who're interested to further their studies in Aussie & also to those who wants their course to be short & sweet.
Pros: Our textbooks are much thinner than A-levels books LOL. This is a 1 year course. Whichever way you screwed up (internally or externally) you still get a chance either way. Your internals could help you.
Cons: Most of the classes in Taylors situated in 4th floor so you have to go to class 5 mins earlier to run up the stairs haha. Most of the classrooms smells as if you're in a shoe rack. Accepted mainly by Australian Universities.
If you love projects, & you don't like to risk everything in the last shot, you should try Canadian Pre-U. This focuses 30% of finals & 70% of internals. Means your projects & stuff consists 70% of your finals marks.
Pros: less stress in finals
Cons: not as widely accepted (you have to confirm with the college)
This is just a brief introduction. For more information please visit http://www.taylors.edu.my/
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Best Thing Ever Happened to Music
You guys should know that I wasn't much of an American Idol follower before(especially after Taylor Hicks won the title =.=").
And now I'm scrapping every video available that has Adam Lambert in it (I don't care if it's just a video of him picking his nose or watever).
I particularly fell in love with him after I heard him singing Michael Jackson's Black or White. & his own version of No Boundaries. Or maybe it was because of that Mad World performance.
With a voice like his, who cares if he's gay?
Smokin' HOoooooooooooooooooT

Anyway I just wanna share my favourite video of his performance before American Idol.
I never really liked the original song before, but I think he just made the original version sound worst here.
And now I'm scrapping every video available that has Adam Lambert in it (I don't care if it's just a video of him picking his nose or watever).

I particularly fell in love with him after I heard him singing Michael Jackson's Black or White. & his own version of No Boundaries. Or maybe it was because of that Mad World performance.
With a voice like his, who cares if he's gay?

I never really liked the original song before, but I think he just made the original version sound worst here.
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