Happy Belated Birthday LILIAN!!! wanted to wish you online yesterday but my connection was cut off until this morning. As usual.
My parcel that was sent 1 month ago hasn't arrived yet. According to Yen it might had reached the local post office but they won't inform you to go & claim it. Damn. And I have to ask someone to go & enquire for me & I don't think he's gonna do it soon so I have to keep bugging his life until he did. My mum just decided to stop sending stuff for me coz apparently I'm cursed coz everytime they did, it's either my parcel arrived way to late or the price is way to expensive. Ppl send their whole kitchen over for 100 ringgit & i just send a bag of groceries for 200 ringgit. Damn lucky wei me. *sarcastic*
I haven got enough sleep lately as I always online after 3 am in the morning coz that's when the line works best. I skipped a lot of classes instead to replenish my sleep damn it. So please excuse me, I would like to go & have some sleep now so I can get up at 3 am to online again wtf
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Fear Factor
I was so bored that I came up with this : Create a phobia list for yourselves! The only rule is to add up ur birthday & birth month, for example, mine is 11 August = 11 + 8 = 19. Then i have to come up with 19 things that i'm afraid of. I'm tagging anyone who seen this post!
I'm Afraid of:
1. Ants wtf
2. Snakes - ophidiophobia
3. Creepy Crawlies with more than 3 pairs of legs. - arachnephobia/herpetophobia
4. Dark -achluophobia
5. Pineapples
6. Vanilla, rice, white food - leucophobia
7. Being late
8. Traveling on road - hodophobia
9.Slightly on heights -acrophobia/altophobia
10. Losing - atychiphobia
11. being ditched/left out -athazagoraphobia
12. Nagging/scolding - mastigophobia
13. Marriage - gamophobia
14. Kids - pedophobia
15. Losing control of myself - angrophobia
16. Getting old & wrinkly & flabby - cacophobia/gerascophobia/rhytiphobia
17. Disappointing my loved ones - hypengyophobia
18. Humiliation/Insult - catagelophobia/katagelophobia
19. Staying fat forever =.=" - obesophobia
I'm Afraid of:
1. Ants wtf
2. Snakes - ophidiophobia
3. Creepy Crawlies with more than 3 pairs of legs. - arachnephobia/herpetophobia
4. Dark -achluophobia
5. Pineapples
6. Vanilla, rice, white food - leucophobia
7. Being late
8. Traveling on road - hodophobia
9.Slightly on heights -acrophobia/altophobia
10. Losing - atychiphobia
11. being ditched/left out -athazagoraphobia
12. Nagging/scolding - mastigophobia
13. Marriage - gamophobia
14. Kids - pedophobia
15. Losing control of myself - angrophobia
16. Getting old & wrinkly & flabby - cacophobia/gerascophobia/rhytiphobia
17. Disappointing my loved ones - hypengyophobia
18. Humiliation/Insult - catagelophobia/katagelophobia
19. Staying fat forever =.=" - obesophobia
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: SuzuHamasaki
Birth Date: 11 August
Current status: single & very available
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: supposed to be red but now it's copper T.T
Righty or Lefty: righty
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: All the bad genes from my parents' families
Your Fears: of the unknown
Your Weakness: fattening food
Your Perfect Pizza: lots of cheese & meat & pepperoni without any traces of pineapples inside
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Damn.. Morning again?
Your Bedtime: recently.. 7 am to 9 am T.T
Your Most Missed Memory: the time when i was still wearing shocking blue pinafore & baju kurung
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: is there any difference?
McDonald's or Burger King: as long as they serve meat
Single or Group Dates: as long as i got a date
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Tea or Nestea: both!
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!
Cappucino or Coffee: nescafe 3 in 1 when i sleep less than 3 hrs a day
Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: nope
Curse: no.. i'm a perfect lady wtf
Take a shower: =.="
Have a crush: on my hubby & wu zhun
Think you've been in love: if i've not mistaken, i think so..
Go to school: yes
Want to get married: depends.. cant get married to myself, can I?
Believe in yourself: yupe
Think you're a health freak: the part tat i'm very cautious when eating food tat i cook myself
Layer Six: In The Past Month
Drank alcohol: yes
Gone to the mall: define mall.
Been on stage: dance in the public. does it count?
Eaten sushi: T.T
Dyed your hair: no..
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: yeah.. just tat i din strip
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: yes.
Layer Eight: Age You're Hoping
To Be Married: as soon as i met someone who can convince me to marry him
Layer Nine: In a
Best Eye Colour: as long as its beautiful... & CLEAN
Best Hair Colour: no green or other fancy colours.. but if it's my hubby i don mind..
Short Hair or Long Hair: as long as it fits his head
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: finish watching death note 1 & 2
1 Hour Ago: WACHING DEATH NOTE 1 & 2
4.5 Hours Ago: watching death note 1 & 2.. oh god can this stop?
1 Month Ago: on my way back to India
1 Year Ago: struggling to survive india
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: my hubby & wu zhun
I Feel: sleepy but i cant sleep coz this is the best time to online without interuption in the connection speed
I Hate: to be disrespected.
I Hide: my feelings
I Miss: my friends & family & the feeling of being in love
I Need: more time, more holiday, less fats, more beauty & my hubby
tagging whoever tat sees this...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tamil New Year
14th of April was the Tamil New Year. As usual, we celebrate any festivals around here whenever we got the chance. Most of my batch & the new juniors went to Bangalore to celebrate Indian New Year but since I went there last christmas, I decided to stay back & celebrate the new year in my hostel.
Days before the new year, we test-tying sarees ourselves in Xian Hui's room at 3 am. We end up playing with each other's hair instead.


after (check out the background..LOL)
Then the next day, we went to town to make our saree blouse & celebrate Nisha's b'day.

Taken in the only fast food restaurant in Salem
On the day of the New Year, we basically did nothing except cleaning the damn fridge. The party starts at 7pm so we just lag around in our rooms the whole day. I accidentally slept off & woke up at 7 pm sharp. I freaked out when I saw the time & I dashed out to see everyone still walking around in their normal clothes. *phew* So i bathed & help Vivian to tie her saree as i promised. Then i decided to tie mine myself.

In the end, due to some delay, the party starts at 9 pm.

the guys are wearing the indian's traditional costumes too!

playing with fireworks

me & yeeva

the gossip gang

i'm the only from from other batchT.T

3rd person from the left is our security guard.

me & yen

act cute

me & priscilla

with sheryl

me & rathini

waiting for yam seng ceremony

poor guy.. i poured my liquor to his cup coz it taste bad

another victim

wishing rosh happy new year

sarah mabuk

me & steph

security guard change to her saree

a not so formal pose

sexy posing

formal 1..
last one~
Days before the new year, we test-tying sarees ourselves in Xian Hui's room at 3 am. We end up playing with each other's hair instead.


after (check out the background..LOL)
Then the next day, we went to town to make our saree blouse & celebrate Nisha's b'day.

Taken in the only fast food restaurant in Salem
On the day of the New Year, we basically did nothing except cleaning the damn fridge. The party starts at 7pm so we just lag around in our rooms the whole day. I accidentally slept off & woke up at 7 pm sharp. I freaked out when I saw the time & I dashed out to see everyone still walking around in their normal clothes. *phew* So i bathed & help Vivian to tie her saree as i promised. Then i decided to tie mine myself.

In the end, due to some delay, the party starts at 9 pm.

the guys are wearing the indian's traditional costumes too!

playing with fireworks

me & yeeva

the gossip gang

i'm the only from from other batchT.T

3rd person from the left is our security guard.

me & yen

act cute

me & priscilla

with sheryl

me & rathini

waiting for yam seng ceremony

poor guy.. i poured my liquor to his cup coz it taste bad

another victim

wishing rosh happy new year

sarah mabuk

me & steph

security guard change to her saree

a not so formal pose

sexy posing

formal 1..
last one~

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Of lame electricity & pool side pics
After 2 days of electricity cut & weeks of terrible internet connections, now finally the conditions starts getting better. 2 days without electricity nearly killed me.
Firstly, the electricity supplies the water pump,without elec, no water supply. Great.
Secondly, without elec, no wireless -> no internet. Or worse, got internet but lap top no battery at the climax of the show.
Thirdly, no elec, no microwave -> no food. Or worse, no elec, no fridge -> rotten food.
Fourthly, no elec, no lights -> cannot study -> dunno what I wrote for tooth morphology test.
Last but not least, no elec, no air cond -> sleep in sauna room -> woke up sweating at 3 am -> sleep with door open -> end up feeding my leg to the mosquitoes -> allergy came back -> ruin my mood for whole day.
*sigh* what can I say? India is really amazing.
Btw, I onlined to post some pics i delayed.
In attempt to pose like models

act cool

still acting cool

Somebody acting cute

Somebody acting headache, smiling.

beauty pigeons

still pigeons


aunties playing with water


kicking some ass

you wouldn't wanna know what we are actually doing here

taking of my shirt


Friends forever!
Firstly, the electricity supplies the water pump,without elec, no water supply. Great.
Secondly, without elec, no wireless -> no internet. Or worse, got internet but lap top no battery at the climax of the show.
Thirdly, no elec, no microwave -> no food. Or worse, no elec, no fridge -> rotten food.
Fourthly, no elec, no lights -> cannot study -> dunno what I wrote for tooth morphology test.
Last but not least, no elec, no air cond -> sleep in sauna room -> woke up sweating at 3 am -> sleep with door open -> end up feeding my leg to the mosquitoes -> allergy came back -> ruin my mood for whole day.
*sigh* what can I say? India is really amazing.
Btw, I onlined to post some pics i delayed.
In attempt to pose like models

act cool

still acting cool

Somebody acting cute

Somebody acting headache, smiling.

beauty pigeons

still pigeons


aunties playing with water


kicking some ass

you wouldn't wanna know what we are actually doing here

taking of my shirt


Friends forever!
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